"No video with supported format and MIME type found" on streamable links

Streamable links don’t embed properly, causing the play button to be greyed out in Chrome, or an error to appear in Firefox:

Post link #1
Post link #2

Tested this on Chrome and Firefox on a mostly fresh Windows 10 install, doesn’t work on either.

Possible fix by PeZsmistic (not sure if this could be implemented forum-side, but it may help):


This looks to be caused by streamable (again). Streamable was turned off on the Discourse onebox so you’d have to click the link a while ago but looks like it was turned back on for some reason. This service cannot seem to produce embeddable content and I encourage everyone to just stop using it. Upload your stuff to gfycat, youtube, or simply upload mp4 directly here.


Yep- that seems to be the case:


I’ll edit the post to clarify this incase it’s “fixable”.

In the case of the second example it does look broken on forum side, not sure what happened there. You can use devtools to open the video source and download the mp4 file if you really need to.

To fix the streamable issue, you can use devtools to produce the correct URL.

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Curious, another option would be to upload the videos directly to the DevForum. Are the videos being referenced too large for our file size limits on the Devforum.

Are the videos being referenced too large for our file size limits on the Devforum?

I don’t know the size limit since I don’t think I’ve ever uploaded a video to the devforum, but the first one is 8.4 MB by downloading it in 720p. The second I’m unsure as it looks like it was directly uploaded (woops), and won’t download at all.