I was messing about with math.noise() and instead of making terrain again, I thought of just visualizing the noise on the screen using frames. Simple stuff.
I played around, added about 100 octaves, messed with the seeds, scale, etc.
I was messing around with resolutions (size of the frames), with 5 pixels being a safe resolution Roblox can handle, and 1 pixel being extremely tedious and largely impossible to make a decently sized image.
That is until I accidentally discovered a certain anomaly when printing a noise image.
For some reason, the noise created a very odd sun flare in front of what looks like a warped plane of noise that looks like an inverted cylinder. The image is at a resolution of 5 pixels.
I quickly had the image centre and zoom out to get a better look at the anomaly.
After reviewing my code, I noticed that, oddly enough, nothing was off. The code was working perfectly. No logic errors or any type of identifiable issues. After playing around with a few settings, the anomaly persisted. This told me that this anomaly is akin to the noise function itself.
Zooming out further revealed this.
This image made it clear that the noise map past the centre is actually completely unaltered, which may explain why we don’t see it in normal usage.
Changing the seed only gave another unique look for the anomaly, not get rid of it.
Making a full resolution of this beauty is not possible in one go so I had to generated over a dozen chunks and put them together in post to generate this higher quality image.
Changing the resolution resulted in the image being too zoomed out so the next day, I generated about 20 chunks and put together a much better image.
@Vexture called it a singularity so that’s how I’ll call it too: the noise singularity. Let me know if you have ever seen this anomaly before and what could be causing it!
The seeding method I used was to put the X and Y numbers of the frame in math.noise(), with the Z parameter being the seed, as it is usually done for 2D noise. The seed used here was 0.2.