Non-archivable things in StarterGui don't copy into PlayerGui

I don’t want the things I’m putting in StarterGui to save, so I set Archivable to false. Now they don’t get copied into the PlayerGui.

You basically described what the property is designed to do :joy:


There’s no point in having things in StarterGui if they’re not going to be copied into PlayerGui. I just don’t want them to save.

The property ‘Archivable’ has this on its wiki page:

“If an object has this property set to false, that object will be omitted when the game is published, or when one of its ancestors is copied to the clipboard, or when Clone is called on one of its ancestors.”

Copying to the PlayerGUI involves a Clone()-like call. The property behaves exactly as described.


When exactly does PlayerGui get cleared so I can write my own StarterGui? Copying into PlayerGui immediately on CharacterAdded is too soon and everything gets erased.

I have to disagree there, all items in StarterGui should be replicated to the PlayerGui. It shouldn’t matter or Archivable is true or false.

I’m with @DataSynchronized on this one. The property determines whether or not the instance can be saved or copied in any way, including ROBLOX’s auto-clone into Backpack/PlayerGui/PlayerScripts. Making certain ‘cloning’ an exception is just confusing and bad practice.


I’d rather have it be consistent all the time than “oh but wait, archivable actually doesn’t matter when you put it in such and such places”.

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You can turn off ResetPlayerGuiOnSpawn and write your own PlayerGui clearing system.

Could always just manually (e.g. CharacterAdded) clone it, then it doesn’t even need to be in StarterGui.

I assume this is related to your “remote update” / SavePlaceAsync / … threads