Hey folks, basically been trying to figure out a way to make a 3d environment / portal?? of sorts using worldmodels and viewportframes
basically wanna try and make a portal which has an “imposible” 3d scenery, kinda like how they did it in the lobby for The Hunt, back in March.
I think you can understand what i mean.
The things i’ve tried so far is setting the viewport camera to the current camera… yeah i am kiinda useless with this.
Can anybody give any help? Would love to see some answers to this, as it’d really help with the creation of my game.
Quick question, is there a way i can make this so u cant walk through it and ur camera cant go through and see the other side of it?
and is there a way to make it so you can edit the position / rotation of it with a script, but also be see it through the portal?