Non-Member Categories

In and out of the devforum there are many dedicated developers of whom would love to share their opinions, work and questions on the forums. However, ever since the privatisation of dev forum posting this is not feasible. So I’m wondering why can’t we add back a category or section for non forum members? I understand moderation would be important but think of all the ways that developers can learn through the forums. I remember thinking of something I really wanted to post but I wasn’t yet a member and I never had anyone to help me with it, but if this change is made people can have this benefit. Personally I love the forums, almost more than the website, and I’d love to be able to help other developers who aren’t yet members on the forums and I’m sure others do. If you have a opinion or idea in relation to this feel free to message me or comment. I feel that this could make a needed change in the forums to help developers reach out to other developers and players who don’t have a platform to communicate their ideas and questions.

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This would have been more relevant with the application system but now that all you have to do to get in is read for a few hours, this isn’t really necessary.

If you have a desire to post, chances are that you have been poking around the devforums for a while, reading how it all works and potentially finding other solutions for your own problems. Because of this, and only needing a couple of hours read time to join, it is very easy to get in.

This isn’t necessary with the new process to enter the forums.


Yesterday a user with 7 minutes of read time managed to get new member and proceeded to post four or five utterly incomprehensible threads in random categories.

The public has no place in this forum, especially if that’s the kind of riffraff they bring. Moderating the old forums was likely not fun and I don’t think anybody wants to return to that. This is a forum for developers. The only change that needs to be made is that the entry requirements be stated somewhere front and center so serious developers don’t get confused or frustrated and leave. Anyone serious enough about posting will make it to new member. Anyone not serious enough - do we really want them posting?


The devforum has always been private. That’s nothing new.

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