Noob defense is out!

Okay so I finally finished Noob Defense, the icon and two easy thumbnails, but I don’t know how to get the word around, any tips on advertising a game? Btw, I’ll put Noob Defense below.


So yeah, I need some tips on getting a good advertisement so I can make my game famous before I get a full moustache. Oh and the poll down below is for what people think of the game.

  • Meh…
  • Good
  • Amazing

0 voters


  1. The loading screen is WAY too long.
  2. Make your own sword
  3. Make 3rd person optional
  4. More weapons
  5. Gui, maybe your current status, like “Outstanding!”

Things you can change; to the real question now.

Advertisement is not something I’m good at, but you gotta think, “what ad design would make me click?” An ad that really intrigues people, like showing them a noob being killed, or the other way, maybe making a code in the ad for people to redeem, that makes them think “I wont have this oppurtunity again” so they will click. (Take this with a grain of salt)

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Ok but for the 3rd person thing, in my opinion I guess I’m thinking of kind of like a perspective of like survival kind of camera. Also, I can fix numbers 1 and 2 and 4. Also, what’s about 5?

Basically, 5 is like how you are doing against the zombies; if you’re doing well, the status would change to ‘‘outstanding’’ or, if you’re doing bad, it’d be ‘‘horrible’’

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Your game was broken on mobile for me. I can’t move the camera around and the intro text cuts off.

I’d fix that, since most Roblox’s player base is mobile.

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Sorry about that, I don’t have the chance to try it on mobile because I don’t have a mobile device, I do everything here on PC. But thank you for telling me, I’m actually fixing the game right now as I am sending this reply.

I refer to the noobs as NPC.

Make a custom sword, make custom player/NPC animations, improve the NPC so it can actually jump over objects, and improve its pathfinding. Improve NPC models. Add a custom HP bar for the NPCs.

Ok, that won’t be too hard, it’s just gonna take me a couple of minutes to get on that.

Oh yeah, btw, the noobs don’t disappear when they die, which can cause lag once they build up.

They fade away on death, then when they faded away COMPLETLY, then it respawns where it was firstly placed on the map on studio. It just takes some time to fade away.

How long?

lwrekmtgfjirwehgujwre characterl imit

Ok so this right here is the Configuration put in the NPC
And there’s a respawn script that’s in the NPC and this is the Respawn Script.

local zombie = script.Parent
local humanoid = zombie:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")

local clone = zombie:Clone()

local config = zombie:WaitForChild("Configuration")

	if config.Respawns.Value then
		clone.Parent = workspace

They still haven’t faded away for me for some reason.

The RespawnDelay in the photo. The value there is 10.

Try playing the game again to see maybe if they hadn’t faded away because it could just be a server bug.

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Two things I’m gonna say. One, for the zombies, I decided to leave the animations alone because I feel like it’s cool like that because if you think about it, the game itself is supposed to back into the years of 2009 or even earlier in time. So I wanna keep the NPCs to keep the way they are because it just feels more like the earlier years of Roblox. Two, this post has 69 vies and I posted this 9 hours ago, that’s crazy. I feel like editing my post so I can put a poll on there just to see how many people respond.

I’m adding game passes to the game now.

maybe add run, jump, and fall animations with low fps to add animations while still making it feel classic

Yeah, I made animations like that a couple weeks ago, I could try using those.

Dang, 78 views and 18 visits on NOOB DEFENSE, is my game really that good so far?