Noob Ground Personal Artwork

Hello! I’ve made another personal fanart! This one is a noob lying on the ground. The ground was completely modeled with textures and maps!! I also would like and appreciate some feedback on it as well!!


It looks good, maybe add more shadow around the noob.

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Thanks for your feedback! I definitely will!!

Very nice and everything but what I didn’t like is that the Noob is very static, you would have put another resting position (The light system and the earth gives it reality! 9/10 )


Noob: This is fine


The ground looks amazing! Although as the above post stated, the Noob doesn’t exactly have anything unique to him, he kinda just looks like a dead ragdoll if you know what I mean?

I think if you add a pose, then it should be good!

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For the post I think it should be a snow angel pose or a chillaxing pose, idk what the poses are actually called but for the chillaxing pose, I mean like, one knee is up and the other knew is down while the hands are behind you head(Sorry if that’s a really bad description)

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I appreciate it, I’ll add a pose to it! That’s for your feedback!!