Normal Mouse Look With a ClickDetector

I’m trying to make a ClickDetector have a normal mouse look, i have an E circle but have the ClickDetector for mobile and if your E key is broken. I have tried putting “rbxasset://textures\ArrowFarCursor.png” for the CursorIcon but it resets whenever i restart studio or play it in game.

im trying to make it look like this
and not like this

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Change the icon property to " " or some “invisible” decal.

This works as it should. Maybe try “rbxasset://textures/ArrowFarCursor.png” instead of “rbxasset://textures\ArrowFarCursor.png”.

Edit: formatting didn’t work :man_facepalming:

i tired both if your ways, @Intended_Pun, the mouse went invisible. @DARKM_SSIAH it didn’t work in-game

Are you sure it is only one part and not multiple? That could be the cause of your problem. Otherwise, this may be a problem on your end.

its a model…
the model has the ClickDetector

Okay then. If you’re on Windows, search %APPDATA in the Start menu. Look for Roblox in there. Then there should be a “Textures” folder or something. In there you’ll find the default mouse texture. Copy it and save it as a PNG. Then upload that to Roblox. Now set your click detector icon to the uploaded image.

Sorry if that was too vague. I’m on my phone, and reciting all that from memory.

If the clickdetector is not directly in the part, it won’t work. At least, from my experience.

Edit: Okay, it is able to be in a model and work. Didn’t know.

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@DARKM_SSIAH oh. @Intended_Pun im trying it

Most probably a problem on your part. Even with the clickdetector inside the model and the CursorIcon changed, it works as it should for me. Try @Intended_Pun’s suggestion because it should be working. Maybe try reinstalling ROBLOX Studio.

i just tried puns way and it was the normal click detector picture in game, i think its because the image is still going through moderation idk

Try setting the texture to: rbxassetid://2558818531

it works in studio, but in game it gets set to blank

might have to get to roblox about this one

Try making sure ClickRadio is inside your model (Bowling). The script didn’t run because ClickRadio is not a part of Bowling.

I hope that you aren’t using some weird solution like adding a ClickDetector to detect when the mouse is hovered over something and then using an input detector (Mouse.KeyDown which is deprecated or UserInputService) that activates some kind of feature if the mouse hover variable is true.

Simple solution is not to use ClickDetectors at all. Instead, perform a magnitude check between the player’s character and the position of a part in that radio. That can be used instead of relying on ClickDetectors as a poor workaround for something that should be done in another way.

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@Santeeisweird9 look under the error @colbert2677 nope just using a ClickDetector, and are you saying i should remove the ClickDetector and replace it using a Mouse.Target or something?

What is the point of the ClickDetector though if you have a key to access the item in question?

its for mobile users or if your e key is just broken

You can still use mouse.Target; Mobile supports this.

You could also use UserInputService to detect taps and then fire a ray based off of the position.

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im just using a magnitude value to see if the player is close enough then using userinputservice to detect if the E key is down

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