Normals not showing up on custom PBR for terrain

I’m using MaterialService to do custom PBR materials for the roblox terrain. It’s all working great except for the fact that the normals are not showing on any of my materials.

Here you can see that roughness is working on the left side in order to prevent reflection of light.

Here you can see the same material applied to both a part and terrain, and you can see the normal map is showing on the part, but not on the terrain.

I’m pretty positive my materials are all assigned correctly and they all have albedo, roughness, and normals uploaded. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if roblox is bugging out on me. I have scoured the internet and asked some discord groups, and nobody has any idea on how to fix this. Please help :[


Since Roblox renders materials differently on Terrain and Baseparts, the cause may be the strength of the normal map, try increasing its contrast. Also the cause may be graphics settings.

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To remove shine from a material, try using a black texture for the “Metalness” setting.

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white roughness works fine for removing shine, besides, that wasn’t the issue I was having here, I was just demonstrating how roughness works fine, but normals don’t

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Thanks, I’m just an idiot and they don’t show up in studio but do when you test it and start playing

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