Northeast High School Open Positions

Hello members, and prospects of Northeast High School!
Today i’m going over some of the open positions (Yes, all of them). I will make note, just because you see a high level position doesn’t mean there is going to be some sort of application for it. We will be keeping our eyes peeled for the high level ranks.

Nurse: This job is not open as of now, the new version will not be released with a nurses office.

Teaching Aid: (30 positions)

Teacher: (25 positions)

Secretary: (15 positions)

Counselor:(15 positions)

Principal:(4 positions)

Supervisors:(7 positions)

Mediator: (2 Positions)

School Board (4 positions)

Assistant Director(1 position)

I am hopeful this will clarify some of your concerns for hiring, applications will formally be released in the coming weeks. Along with more dates on NHS’s very much delayed release!

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