Northeast High School Release Notes

Hello members of Northeast High School

This topic has been created on behalf of some release notes we have for the month of September. We will also be going over some group news.

About 3 weeks ago we started over on all progress of Northeast High School Version 3. We are focusing on key components, to get the game released sooner. This includes, a basic classroom structure in which many of them are the same, offices, and basic exterior details. It may seem concerning that we started over, but I can assure you that we have more progress than any of the other Northeast High School prototypes.

We got a Face Lift!
You may be wondering, how does a Roblox group get a face lift? Well we have beautiful new graphics, for all of our assets such as the group, and our group game. We also have a new ad which will entice new members! These will all be shown at the bottom of this thread.

New Staff
Ok, so this will sound scary but believe me this is all normal. We will be demoting all acting staff. This does not include the Assistant Principals, and some of the BOE. The group will begin conducting interviews before the new school opens for all positions. We will also be cutting back on many of the staff we have.

The Big News
So I’ve been thinking about this topic for a while so I will give it to you now. On behalf of the current administration, and I we are very excited to announce that we are automating the game. This basically means that we will be more dependent on scripts to run basic functions. This includes teachers creating classes, and assigning classrooms. This will allow us to remove the bell system, and run the servers 24/7. The teachers will be able to do this on a menu GUI, and students can join a class when they enter a server. Hopefully this allows people of all timezones to enjoy themselves on our servers, without the hassle of finding a school session. We aren’t sure if this will even happen, as we are still looking for scripters to complete this task with compensation. Please don’t hold this big announcement against us, as we are only 55% sure this will work within the time frame.

Other Important Stuff
-We are expected to release mid October
-We are hiring new Assistant Principals

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