Northern Tales - Update Logs

Hello, and welcome to the Update Log and Development Progress Overlook board. This is where I post about past updates if any, and write down some of my short-term planned updates for the coming one or two weeks. I’ve also set up a list of long-term updates I want to eventually get around to.

Play the game here:

Update Log:

05/05/2019 - [V0.09.26]:
○ Leg armour updated
○ Buckler shield added
○ Control Tips added
○ Fixed leg armors (Current ones are too bulky)
○ Spears added and animations in prototype (Testpit)
○ Face selection

01/05/2019 - [V0.09.25]:
○ New weapon models added.
○ Shield added
○ Custom walking sounds added

30/04/2019 - [V0.09.24]:
○ Back-end of the interface framework converted to new system

Updates Planned:

Week 06/05/2019 - 12/05/2019:
○ Rat-like race added
○ Remodeled Ulfr (Wolf) race
○ Equipments added
○ Experimenting with material customization (not live)

Development and plans:

Character Customisation:
Character Saving Slots:
3 out 10 slots for characters will be free. More can be purchased.
5 out of 10 slots for weapons separately will be free. These weapons can hold custom names. More slots can be purchased.

• Face changing
• Race specific customisation
• Body colour changing based on race and gender
• Equipments
○ Capes
○ Travelling bags
• Preview of races when selecting
Apparently most players’ old Nordic is a bit rusty :weary:

• Different poses
• Sheath position changing
this means, changing where your weapon is sheathed
• Ability to pick attacks manually (unconfirmed)

• LiveEdit: Allow players to see their character’s true appearance while customizing.
• QuickEdit menu for on the fly character changing
• Settings menu:
○ Gameplay settings
○ Keybinds

Catacombs underneath the main city (which will be named Naerim will host a large amount of graves. Who knows what treasures are buried there?
• Towns:
○○ Houses [3/4]
○○ Towers
○○ Inn
○○ Tavern
A bunch of outposts outside the main castle’s walls, styled in both orcish and skeletal designs.
○ Frost Peak Outpost:
○○ Tower
○○ Construction site
○○ Palisades
○ Market stable
○ Construction Site
○ Palisades
○ Wheelbarrow
○ Executioner’s block
○ Bellow
○ Tents

Fast travelling
• Unlocks places to travel to as you visit them by foot. (saves)
This is to encourage exploration and finding new locations you haven’t seen before. The map will host many sights to see

• Magic:
○ Spell book models
○ Spell book animations
○ Magic coding and animations
○ Bag for carrying spell books.
• Non-weapon tools
E.G.: Broom, Blacksmith hammer, Shovel, Pitchfork, etc…

• Cause player to get mouse locked during battle stance (R [default] to toggle)
○ Right mouse hold to raise block
○ Automatically detect battle stance on newly equipped weapons
○ Idea: Block could be health-based; Block can only take X amount of damage before having to recharge. (Poll)


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