Not able to select parts on roblox studio

Have you added any models you didnt make since the day you experienced this issue? And are you able to delete these models one at a time to see if fixes the issue?

That way you can rule out any models?

Or is this not feasible?

Um no, I haven’t added any free models. I also tried deleting some scripts/models on a copy of the game and I was still not able to select.

It is probably an engine bug, and apart from migrating everything to a new place, i think you might have to contact Roblox… atleast this is what the other thread did.

Sorry about this problem, I’m sure it has driven you crazy.

Yea :sweat_smile: , thanks for all the help tho. You know where I can conact support about this problem? I was about to post a thread on devforum but I don’t have permissions yet there.

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This happend to me a while ago, then I contacted roblox staff, they told lanuch studio on the client side, like open it from your device, not from browser

2nd thing is, maybe your select is off in studio, click home > select (beside move,scale and rotate)

This is not a universal issue, only your facing it, if the problem still exist after doing the 2 steps, try to re-install your pc, then check it

Only users with the trust level “Regular” or above can post in Bug Reports , as an alternative, you can message @Bug-Support or contact Roblox Support .

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Yes it might be an engine bug, not sure

If you message @Bug-Support , with the proper bug report posting format, they might move it to #bug-reports:engine-bugs

That’s what happend to my post 2 days ago

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My select is on , and I tried opening studio from the app and not from the browser the same thing happens. I also know it’s not only my pc since my team members also have the same issue.

@Deadwoodx oh my goodness if you aren’t a regular then who is!!!???

Sorry, the thread got kinda long so I haven’t had a chance to read it all, but have you tried ungrouping each suspect model(s) and regrouping them to see if that fixes it?

I’ll try that, but I don’t think that’s the case… Even if I put new parts I can not select them

I did message them but did I do it correctly? Or they take some time to respond?

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Looks good, probably they will respond soon i hope.

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Have i sent u this link yet, i just stumbled on it and the issue is identical to what you are experiencing:

I found recently that if you change the CanQuery or CanCollide property of the Part you can select it.

Is your select tool on? Everytime my studio starts, I have to enable the select tool for this.

Yes, I made sure it was on before selecting.

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I just found a solution this might be the cause of your problem, but did you mess around with Collision Group if so under Model > Collision Group > Default and make sure it’s checked.


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