Not all Limited 2.0s (Gold Clockwork Headphones) show up in Trade Menu

I own 2 copies of the Gold Clockwork Headphones, yet when in the trade menu only one of these copies show up. This makes it where I can’t trade the 2nd copy I own.

My 2nd copy was purchased off of the catalog a while ago and already out of holding period, while my 1st copy (one showing up in trade menu) was obtained through the Robux package originally.


Expected behavior

I believe this is a bug as I don’t see why only 1 owned copy should show up. I expect users should be able to view / trade all owned copies of their Limited 2.0s / Gold Clockwork Headphones when inside of the trading menu.


Both show up now. I may have jumped the gun on posting this so fast :sweat_smile:



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