I am building a model of Walther PPK in Roblox Studio. It is entirely made from parts and unions.
I was making it in larger scale, so I could make the model more detailed. When it came to resizing it back, so it would fit into player’s hand, I ran into a problem. My pistol is made from 2 bigger unions and few smaller ones. When the size of smaller unions got to 0.05 studs, I couldn’t continue in scaling it down.
The Roblox part size limit is a known problem, but I thougt changing the parts into unions would solve it. I also tried making player’s avatar bigger, therefore fixing the problem other way around. As a result, It was way more buggy, as player was moving slowly and his legs were moving super fast, camera for some reason moved into Torso and you could easily trip on anything.
My question is, are there any possible ways to size my model down?
I saw this link on other post about this and tried downloading the plugin. But when I try it and choose Roblox Studio, a sign with text “Could not open the file “” because it no longer exists.” pops up.
Maybe it’s a problem with Mozilla Firefox, Imma try different web browsers.
I unioned all the smaller parts together and imported the parts changing their appearance after becoming unions into meshes. As a result, the model is made from few larger parts you can size down.