Not detecting child added

In the first clip, I use this. It doesn’t detect child added.

for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do

In the second clip (0:20), I use this, however I’m only detecting the workspace child added, so if I add a child in anything not the workspace, it doesn’t detect it.


I’m trying to make the first bit of code work.

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It’s probably because your script is Server-Sided, while your adding instances in the client, which the server doesn’t see.

no its a local script

Where is your local script located? It has to be in one of these places to run:

its in starter gui

oh yeah and I also said that it detects if if I do workspace child added, so yes it does work just not with for loops for some reason but i want to fix that

Ohh, the first one doesn’t work because when you first load in the client, there’s no instances in workspace.

hmmm no, I put a wait(3) before the loop, and by that point the whole map was well loaded.

Ohh, it’s because for .ChildAdded, you aren’t adding anything into the instances already there.
If you want to detect when Descendants of workspace are added, use workspace.DescendantAdded.


Ohhh, I had no idea there was descendent added!