Not enough perms to fire remoteevent

Hello, developers
I was playing the game the group I develop for made and loads of people were complaining that they were being kicked the second the joined the game. The kick message was: Not enough permissions to fire remote event. I do not know why this is happening.

Sorry if this is in the wrong category

Do you have any scripts that uses RemoteEvent?

Not that I am aware of. (30chars)

Does your game use RemoteEvent? If so, can you search for scriptd in the Explorer?

Nope look


Maybe you have a backdoor in your game? For getting rid of backdoor, I suggest these topics.

Dm me. samtheman#7181 I’ll be able to assist with this as I have many years of debugging experience and backdoor removal experience with me.

I haven’t heard of this error before, perhaps some script uses PlayerAdded on the server and kicks every player who joined?
It could be a local script that kicks the local player too.

Search for 'Kick' in all scripts

press Ctrl + Shift + f


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But the only weird part is that it dosent kick me, the other devs or the owner.