Not entirely sure what Draw (depth) means

Hello there!

I’m recently new to using Meshes and am creating a largely complex game on Blender that I am porting over to Roblox. My game runs smoothly and fine, but after looking at the render tab under view, I’m not necessarily sure why it’s adding so many extra triangles to my game.

I have been using the Mesh Optimization Tools and typically use “Precise” and “PreciseConvexDecomposition” (This is intended for the game I’m creating), does the Mesh optimization have to do something with it?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I don’t exactly know what it is but I’m assuming it’s for rendering and has nothing to do with collisions. I think ‘tri’ is the number of triangles that are seen in the camera’s view.

If you’re looking to find answers on a lot of these background features in Roblox, I recommend trying the new Roblox Assistant, Assistant | Documentation . It gave me an answer in under a minute describing what this meant.

In the context of Roblox, “draw (depth)” refers to the order in which objects are rendered or displayed on the screen based on their distance from the camera. The concept of draw depth is important for creating a visually appealing and realistic 3D environment.

When the Roblox engine renders the objects in a scene, it uses the draw depth to determine the order in which objects should be drawn. Objects that are closer to the camera are drawn first, while objects that are farther away are drawn later. This ensures that objects in the foreground appear in front of objects in the background, creating a sense of depth and perspective.

The draw depth is automatically calculated by the Roblox engine based on the position of objects in the 3D world. However, you can also manually adjust the draw depth of objects using the “DrawOrder” property. By setting a specific value for the DrawOrder property, you can control the order in which objects are rendered, overriding the automatic calculation.

For example, if you have a tree in your game and you want it to appear in front of other objects, you can set a higher DrawOrder value for the tree object. This will ensure that the tree is drawn after other objects, even if they are closer to the camera.

It’s important to note that draw depth is only relevant for objects that are within the same transparency group. Objects in different transparency groups are rendered separately and their draw depth does not affect each other.

Here is the answer if you’re ever looking for it, check the A.I out, super useful! :+1:

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