Not getting robux from selling limiteds?

Hey developers. I recently sold my limiteds to help fund my group, and it looks like I did not receive the robux for one of the items.

Here is the screenshot:

As you can see from the screenshot, all of these items were sold in the last week.

Adding all of the revenue from the items gets R$76,349 (scrnsht) or after tax R$53,444.3 (scrnsht).

So, in theory, I should have received 53,444 robux in my balance. However, I think that the supa cool cap was unaccounted for as the total for the 2 sshfs was R$44,694.3 after tax (you can add this yourself) and this was the amount of Robux that I received.

Here’s a screenshot of my income as proof:

As you can see from the first screenshot, the supa cool cap sold before the last sshf. So shouldn’t I have already received that robux?

Does anyone have an explanation for this? I really don’t know what to do with R$8,750 down the drain.



I’ve emailed Roblox support and got a reply saying that this is an “ongoing issue” and they are “looking into it”. It’s been about a week since their response and they haven’t replied… Do you guys think I should email again?


Same thing happened to me, I sold this item 4 days ago, still haven’t recieved the robux yet, it never showed up in pending robux or anything.


No, it instant get stored to your account and i’m confused aswell why people had this as this is the first time for me seeing it.


As you can see in the post, all my other limiteds’ revenue arrived - and they are far more expensive than the supa cool cap.

This happened to me but with clothing. I only received half of what I earned.

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I think that’s the marketplace fee - isn’t it?

No. I counted the tax and I got about 80 and I only got 40.

I sent in a ticket to roblox customer support about it and this is what they responded with:

It’s been a week and a half since the sale and I still haven’t gotten the robux yet.

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looks like you got the wrath of customer support there. i feel bad


Hey guys. I’ll be editing the post and updating you all when things happen. I’ve just written update 1: even though it’s a little outdated.

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I counted the tax and it still got cut off.

Thanks for the report! We’ve filed this internally and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.


This issue should now be resolved! If this issue is still occurring, please create a new topic for us to look into.


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