Not Interested Button for Recommended Games

As a Roblox User, the inability to hide/remove games from your Recommended Tab on the home page is a problem. As the recommended tab seemingly never changes the games listed and occasionally will show Low Quality games such as Obbys or Tycoons. Which can prevent lesser known well-made games from appearing. The problem with the games seemingly never changes are as follows.

  1. You will have no Interest in playing those games.
  2. Have already played them.

My recommended page has several games that I have either played, or am not at all interested in. Theres even one deleted game in it! All of them I am unable to hide and they will continue to be listed even though I have no interest in them whats-so-ever, and looking at the same games in the page over again, gets very dull…


What I am proposing with this post is the ability, to remove/hide a game from either the Page or the tab on the home page. Similiar to YouTube’s feature that allows you to hide videos in their recommended tab. This allows new videos to make their way into the sort, and should prevent that certain video from appearing again in your recommended.
The above photo shows the “Not Interested” button on YouTube’s home page that allows you to hide the video from the tab. I myself use this feature a lot and while the video can reappear, it won’t reappear for a while, and will be gone when you refresh the page. If Roblox can add something like this to the games on the recommended tab and page. It’d allow users to remove the games they don’t like or have no interest in, and make way for newer games that you haven’t played to fill their place.


this post is 5 years old but seriously thisd be a great feature


We definitely need this to be added.


I am seriously seeing SO MANY games that aren’t looking for me, like already played ones, even games that require to use robux to join. I’m seriously seeing that in loop! And there’s no way to break it out!


With ROBLOX continuing to ruin the games/charts/whatever tab, bringing back search via genre or implementing a “not interested” button would be great. This would help us not keep seeing the same 100 games on the front page every time and help with discoverability. Roblox says they care about discoverability but it doesn’t matter how many random games they shout out on twitter, making these games accessible via decent website features is the best way to show you actually care. They had the games page right years ago and it’s been going downhill since. So please, if not a search by genre, something like this would be great.


This is urgently needed. At least some way to block individual games from hogging space on there.

Take my top recommended section for example. 3 of the 6 games I actively do not want on my homepage, and another 2 of which are completely unrelated to me and my interests. That’s 5/6 wasted slots for content that I could potentially be interested in.

Don’t even get me started on the bigger recommended section lower down. In the top 4 rows/top 20 games of that there is 1 condo, 1 ToU breaking gambling game, 5 games which are just ads for UGC stores (one of which is using outright misinformation in the title and thumbnail), and the rest of them look rather generic. That’s almost 2 whole rows worth of games I actively do not want to see, with almost all of them looking uninteresting/unrelated to my tastes.

Note: I have no idea why I’m being recommended a literal condo. Reports have done nothing, but that’s to be expected.

It’s not that the recommended section is a bad idea or executed as poorly as everyone says, it’s just that there is no algorithm for it to feed you relevant content, let alone any way to tell it what you like and don’t like.

Another note: I do feel that shoving it, along with a “todays picks” which is similarly unrelated to me and my interests, all above my recently played and favorited games is a very poor choice of placement, but everyone and their grandma has complained about that this whole time and it’s clearly not changing.

I think this should be added. I recently began touching Roblox after a months-long hiatus, my recommendations list is… things I don’t like


and on the topic of wanting a “not interested button” the search is entirely just random junk that is mostly unrelated and I don’t want to play

The same issue is happening with groups because I will search something like “Flags,” for example, and the top results are unrelated groups with thousands of members and I wish I could block them so they don’t appear anymore

I would also search for “tornado” games and the top results are pretty basic but the row below and beyond down shows the results evolve into stuff like “Skibidi Toilet Simulator” or “Brookhaven but Scary :house_with_garden: RP Selene”


roblox we really need this it is a very great feature


why is this still relevant? this is a no-brainer