Not sure what elements of design to add for this kind of sci-fi type build

Most of the time I see with sci-fi builds its rather rigid and and not much for organic shapes, yet with this build I’m mostly trying to create it with an organic mindset and am at a standstill trying to come up with a concept w/ details.

I started with this bedroom type build as a rough draft (borrowed the blanket, pillow, and lipstick meshes from the marketplace and the decal for the rug, will be replacing if i continue) and want to possibly make a whole build based off this concept (possibly a spaceship type build?) Was mostly looking for ideas of what to do/ how to go about a sci-fi look while having it look more feminine and soft.


I like it so far but it’s missing something, and I’m glad you’ve noticed too.
I think an important aspect of a game is lightning and second of all, textures.

Again, you should try to work on fixing the lightning to how you like it, if you still feel it’s missing something and definitely isn’t lightning, try adding textures.

Try as well experimenting with voxel lightning, shadowmaps, brightness and so on.


Do some research on Art Nouveau styles applied to a sci-fi setting. Typical Art Nouveau styles involve curves and flowing designs - much like what I think you’re going for.

Additionally, you should consider adding more verticality along the floor - having a step or two down to the bedroom, or a step up curving along the wall would go a long way.


It looks good, but generally when it feels like “something is missing”, the issue is empty space on walls/floors/ceilings. Materials, textures, trims, decorations, or any other kinds of patterns help fill in the empty space. This is a common issue in a lot of builds, but it’s generally easier to address when you understand what the general problem is and what needs to be done to fix it. Thinking off the top of my head, something you could add would be window-like rectangles that match the glowing trim of the walls.