Nothing happens when humanoid health reaches 0

( I wasn’t sure what to name the topic)
I am working on a boss battle for my game. I’m trying to make an event happen when the boss’s health reaches 0. For some reason this script below doesn’t work. Where did I go wrong?

local BossHealth = game.Workspace.Boss.Humanoid.Health

if BossHealth = 0 then
print (“Boss is dead”)

You should instead do

local BossHealth = game.Workspace.Boss.Humanoid

print (“Boss is dead”)

Try doing what the player health script does, it checks to see if the health is below 1. It might not be working because the health is -1 or something.

EDIT: This would look something like:

local BossHealth = game.Workspace.Boss.Humaniod.Health

if BossHealth < 1 then
    print("Boss is dead")

The main issue seems to be that, instead of using the equality operator (==) you assign BossHealth to 0.

Assuming that was just an oversight of typing that code into the forums, there’s a logical error. I assume you don’t want to check just once when that script is executed. Do what @MarshyloI does and connect an event handler to the event Humanoid.Died (I would quote his answer, but due to the formatting errors here it is already formatted):

local bossHumanoid = workspace.Boss.Humanoid;

local function onBossDeath()
    print("The boss has died!");
