Playing a game in-studio will cause scripts within CoreScripts(getCamMicPermissions, SettingsHub, FacialAnimationStreaming, etc) to timeout
The issue started appearing around a few hours ago.
The issue only happens in the Studio and not in the main game.
The issue happens with all beta flags disabled.
Studio is noticeably slower than before
What I have tried to troubleshoot the issue:
Reinstalled Studio several times,
Cleared the Roblox folder at AppData
Testd it with different account and different games
Made sure that no other programs are interfering with Roblox Studio.
All of the tracebacks for the CoreScript’s timeout are calling FFlags in some way, for example:
FacialAnimationStreaming is stuck at line 297, which is trying to get an FFlag state: game:GetFastFlag("FacialAnimationStreamingCheckPauseStateWhenCreatingTrack") (Note: running the exact GetFastFlag code in the command bar after timeout work fines)
Studio’s playtest log:
19:39:26.067 CorePackages.Packages._Index.Promise340.Promise340:302: Script timeout: exhausted allowed execution time - Client - Promise340:175
19:39:26.067 Stack Begin - Studio
19:39:26.068 Script 'CorePackages.Packages._Index.Promise340.Promise340', Line 175 - function runExecutor - Studio - Promise340:175
19:39:26.068 Script 'CorePackages.Packages._Index.Promise340.Promise340', Line 302 - Studio - Promise340:302
19:39:26.068 Stack End - Studio
19:39:26.068 CorePackages.Packages._Index.Promise340.Promise340:1228: Script timeout: exhausted allowed execution time - Client - Promise340:311
19:39:26.068 Stack Begin - Studio
19:39:26.068 Script 'CorePackages.Packages._Index.Promise340.Promise340', Line 311 - function _new - Studio - Promise340:311
19:39:26.068 Script 'CorePackages.Packages._Index.Promise340.Promise340', Line 1228 - function _andThen - Studio - Promise340:1228
19:39:26.068 Script 'CorePackages.Packages._Index.Promise340.Promise340', Line 1289 - function andThen - Studio - Promise340:1289
19:39:26.068 Script 'CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.Settings.getCamMicPermissions', Line 352 - function getCamMicPermissions - CoreScript - getCamMicPermissions:352
19:39:26.069 Script 'CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.Settings.Pages.GameSettings', Line 3173 - function Initialize - CoreScript - GameSettings:3173
19:39:26.069 Script 'CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.Settings.Pages.GameSettings', Line 3475 - CoreScript - GameSettings:3475
19:39:26.069 Stack End - Studio
19:39:26.069 Requested module experienced an error while loading - Client - SettingsHub:3316
19:39:26.069 Stack Begin - Studio
19:39:26.069 Script 'CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.Settings.SettingsHub', Line 3316 - function CreateSettingsHub - CoreScript - SettingsHub:3316
19:39:26.069 Script 'CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.Settings.SettingsHub', Line 3555 - CoreScript - SettingsHub:3555
19:39:26.069 Stack End - Studio
19:39:26.069 Requested module experienced an error while loading - Client - CoreScripts/InviteToGamePrompt:12
19:39:26.070 Stack Begin - Studio
19:39:26.070 Script 'CoreGui.RobloxGui.CoreScripts/InviteToGamePrompt', Line 12 - CoreScript - CoreScripts/InviteToGamePrompt:12
19:39:26.070 Stack End - Studio
19:39:26.089 Error: Requested module experienced an error while loading - Client - makeConsoleImpl:79
19:39:26.089 CorePackages.Packages._Index.Scheduler.Scheduler.forks.SchedulerHostConfig.default:117:
------ Error caught by React ------
Requested module experienced an error while loading
------ Error caught by React ------
CoreGui.RobloxGui.Modules.TopBar.Components.Connection.MenuConnector:72 function render function finishClassComponent function updateClassComponent function beginWork
CorePackages.Packages._Index.Scheduler.Scheduler.Scheduler:359 function unstable_runWithPriority function runWithPriority
CorePackages.Packages._Index.Scheduler.Scheduler.forks.SchedulerHostConfig.default:81 function doWork
CorePackages.Packages._Index.Scheduler.Scheduler.forks.SchedulerHostConfig.default:104 function performWorkUntilDeadline
- Client - SchedulerHostConfig.default:117
19:39:26.089 Stack Begin - Studio
19:39:26.090 Script 'CorePackages.Packages._Index.Scheduler.Scheduler.forks.SchedulerHostConfig.default', Line 117 - function performWorkUntilDeadline - Studio - SchedulerHostConfig.default:117
19:39:26.090 Stack End - Studio
19:39:37.580 Script Context.CoreScripts/FacialAnimationStreaming:312: Script timeout: exhausted allowed execution time - Client - CoreScripts/FacialAnimationStreaming:297
19:39:37.580 Stack Begin - Studio
19:39:37.580 Script 'Script Context.CoreScripts/FacialAnimationStreaming', Line 297 - Studio - CoreScripts/FacialAnimationStreaming:297
19:39:37.580 Script 'Script Context.CoreScripts/FacialAnimationStreaming', Line 312 - function onAnimatorAdded - Studio - CoreScripts/FacialAnimationStreaming:312
19:39:37.581 Script 'Script Context.CoreScripts/FacialAnimationStreaming', Line 450 - function onCharacterAdded - Studio - CoreScripts/FacialAnimationStreaming:450
19:39:37.581 Script 'Script Context.CoreScripts/FacialAnimationStreaming', Line 487 - Studio - CoreScripts/FacialAnimationStreaming:487
19:39:37.581 Stack End - Studio
Hello, thanks for reporting the issue and sorry about the inconvenience.
We have started looking into it and will let you know once we have an update on it.
What makes this issue one of the trickier ones to narrow down is that so far we have been unable to reproduce it while trying to repro on several machines.
(So it looks like it is maybe affected by software/hardware setup combo or some other config difference coming into play which affects it)
Could you (and anyone who has the same issue reading this) post your OS version, hardware setup and Roblox Studio version you have the issue with?
(you can do so via DM if you’d like to not share in public).
Hi! I have managed to solve this issue with a full reboot (shift + reboot), a normal reboot (fast startup I think?) doesn’t fix the issue. I’m still not quite sure what’s the cause of the issue though.
What makes this issue one of the trickier ones to narrow down is that so far we have been unable to reproduce it while trying to repro on several machines.
Yeah, that’s totally understandable, since a full reboot fixes the issue my 2-cent is that it’s something with the low level stuff (that manages to persist across the fast reboot and clean reinstall)
I’ll update this post if I ever manage to stumble across this.
Could you (and anyone who has the same issue reading this) post your OS version, hardware setup and Roblox Studio version you have the issue with?
Hello, thanks for the updates and details. Our initial guess right now is that maybe something causes excessive resource usage/ takes very long on another end which then culminated in these scripts timing out.
When this happens for you again, can you open task manager (ctrl+alt+del) and check cpu, memory, disk and network tabs to see if anything sticks out there as using a lot of ressources? (sort on highest usage by clicking the tab header in each and also post images of those if possible).
Alternatively from resource usage, it could potentially also be a driver issue, in that case if you have a usb camera connected it can sometimes help to unplug it and plug it back in and also update camera and network (card) drivers.
Also please let us know your network setup and camera setup (make, model) in case that could be the culprit.
I think I have figured out the app that’s causing the issue. As soon as I terminate the “Microsoft Cross Device Service” (unlikely to be a virus, the executable is signed by Microsoft), everything in Studio just start running fine again. I’ve tested it twice and can confirm that it’s the cause.
I have managed to solve this issue with a full reboot (shift + reboot), a normal reboot (fast startup I think?) doesn’t fix the issue. I’m still not quite sure what’s the cause of the issue though.
It’s likely that the service didn’t start quickly enough during my attempt with the full reboot, instead of a full reboot being the thing that fixes it. Sorry for the confusion!
Thanks for looking further into it and i’m glad you figured out the culprit.
That’s a curious one, we’ll look into why that service would cause such an impact in Studio.
If you have a camera connected, please still let us know the camera setup (make, model), in case it only happens with certain devices in conjunction with that service.
ah, that’s interesting. Could you open device manager and there under Cameras right click each of those virtual cameras and choose Disable and then try to reproduce the issue again?
Just to see whether that plays a role, too.
Virtual cameras doesn’t seem to show up in the device manager, so I don’t think I could disable them.
The cameras never caused any issues before for Studio (created these virtual cameras around 2 months ago), and the bug only appears around 2 days ago, so doubt it’s the cause
I see, some virtual cameras show up inside the “Cameras” item in device manager, so i was hoping yours would be such.
And ok, i see, Thanks for the details, we’ll also dig further on our end to try to narrow it down more.