Notification Leaderboard UI

Hello developers, I am writing on the dev forum today to simply ask a query regarding my Notification Leaderboard UI. I was wondering if I could possibly have assistance? Not asking for it to be done for me.

The user earns 1 vibe point a minute, but the user may forget that they have unlocked the areas, I would like it so they get a notification once they have reached enough vibes to unlock it.

For example, the “Vibe Room” is 125 vibes. Once the player has surpassed 125+ vibes, a notifcation UI is enabled, and they can click “Ok”

There is a terrible example of what it’ll look like once the player has surpassed a certain amount of vibe points.

Thank you!


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You can add in your script where you giving points something like this:
(i dont know how looks your script)

player.Vibepoint.Value == 125 then
player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame = true

this is my script:

local DataName = “data2” – WARNING! Resets all data if changed after people have had data saved
local Name = “Vibes” – your stat name (this is set to the one you already had)
local TimeInBetweenUpdates = 60 – this is the time in between every update (example: with 60 it would add each minute)
local AddAmount = 1 – this is the amount that your stats will update by (example: with 1, it would be 1, then 2, then 3, and so on)
local startingAmount = 0 – This is the amount new players without already saved data start with

–DO NOT MESS WITH BELOW-----------------
–DO NOT MESS WITH BELOW-----------------
–DO NOT MESS WITH BELOW-----------------
–DO NOT MESS WITH BELOW-----------------
–DO NOT MESS WITH BELOW-----------------

local S = game:GetService(‘DataStoreService’)
local Data = S:GetDataStore(DataName)

local function onPlayerJoin(plr)
local l =“Folder”,plr)
l.Name = “leaderstats”
local stat =“IntValue”,l)
stat.Name = Name
stat.Value = Data:GetAsync(plr.UserId) or startingAmount
while true do

local events = game.ReplicatedStorage.BuyEvents

local plrObj = game.Players:FindFirstChild(plr.Name)
local currency = plrObj:FindFirstChild(“leaderstats”)
currency:FindFirstChild(Name).Value = currency:FindFirstChild(Name).Value + 5
if isPaying == true then
local plrObj = game.Players:FindFirstChild(plr.Name)
local currency = plrObj:FindFirstChild(“leaderstats”)
currency:FindFirstChild(Name).Value = currency:FindFirstChild(Name).Value - tonumber(price)

i am unsure where i put it?

thankyou so much anyway!!

you could create a module script in replicatedstorage that has the notification gui parented to it and have it change the text based on the given arguments then clone it to the local players ui folder

edit: sorry if it sounds confusing I can explain how to do it