When I “Mark All As Read” it comes back as if there is something read. You’ll also notice in the screenshot below the Studio Collaborator DevForum post is also missing. Which means its not feeding all of the posts.
Hi folks! We just released a fix for the “Mark all as read” button, so if you still see it, let us know! Make sure your version of Studio is updated to the version released today.
For the other problem with the missing notifications, our backend folks are still working on cleaning up the issues. That should be resolved by the beginning of next week.
I’ll resolve the ticket early next week after getting confirmation from our backend folks at that time!
Just a heads up that I noticed some other problems related to the “Mark all as read” and the notification bell’s blue dot state, so I’m going to keep this thread open. I’m working on a fix that will either reach next week or the week after’s Studio update. I will keep this thread updated on that!
Edit: Just got wind that the last update of Studio was rolled back, so waiting for that to be fixed!