Notification Stream not appearing

NS does not show up on the site when I’m using Chrome app on my tablet. It’s probably due to it being the “mobile” version, because when I turn on “Computer Mode” in settings, stuff like bottom chat bar along with NS start to show up.

OS: Android
Bug appearing only on Chrome app (not ROBLOX app)

So, yeah, I don’t actually think notification stream is intended to be on

I think he means the full site but with a mobile user-agent.
There are a couple things like this when you have a mobile user-agent. Things like a reduced ... menu when on your place’s page even though you can access it through the develop page.


Oh hey, that might be an issue…
I’ll look into this, it may or may not be intended behavior, I do not know.

The site I’m encountering this bug is, I don’t use the one with m. before it.

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Thank you for that clarification :slight_smile:

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Okay, I can confirm, this is expected behavior.

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Can it be done to be working with mobile site too (not

Let me clarify. The notification stream is intended to not be viewable from a phone through the website. The notification stream is intended to only be viewable from a phone through the app.

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