Notification to let people know when they are a DF member

When I first joined the DevForums, I didn’t notice until after 2-4 weeks of being a accepted, that I could do more than simply read random posts that are unhelpful and I can’t reply to. I know this is partially my fault as I should have checked- but there was no clear indicator (no notifications, no badges, no highlighted buttons I couldn’t use before).

“New Topic” doesn’t even make sense, either way. It makes it seem as if you are making a new category, not a simple post.

And since there are no badges, or notifications, it’s impossible to know that you were accepted without spending ages searching and finally finding one post out of the ~100, that mentions the NewTopic button.

So, would it not make things much, MUCH easier to either; change NewTopic to NewPost (or CreateNewPost), add some kind of badge, or notification telling users they are able to reply and/or create posts, or at the VERY least, highlight the new topic button until the person finally creates a new topic.


You should’ve gotten an automatic message telling you that you’ve ranked up to Member.

(Example from when I got promoted)

However, if you didn’t, you can just check your profile page since it displays your rank there.

I don’t think the “New Topic” button should be changed since that’s just a matter of semantics.


Nothing on my profile and I didn’t get any kind of notice.

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Were you ranked by a member of staff? I heavily doubt it (since they generally don’t do manual rank ups to member) yet if you are manually ranked up a trust level by a member of staff, you will not recieve a notification of being ranked up.


I barely interacted with the site at all. So no this is not the case

Same thing happened to me, until I noticed the reply and new topic button were not disabled.

New users are hardly going to know what NewTopic means. They will assume it means you are requesting a new category, or searching for one.

It’s not highlighted, it’s just less grey.

The reply button is the only thing noticeable, and you have to still be searching to notice, since blue and black are the only colours on the website. Maybe a different shade of blue, or a flashing pattern would make it more noticeable to new members?

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Your profile displays Member:

This is what someone who doesn’t have any permissions/is a Visitor’s profile looks like:

(Notice Trust Level doesn’t appear here)


just check if the Reply button is enabled or the Create Topic button

As explained several times before, NewTopic is not clear nor straightforward for new users to understand. It should say Post, not Topic. Topic refers to Genre/Category, not questions.

Which means, they are not going to know to check New Topic because they don’t know what it means. Thereare barely any posts that explain it, and it would take hours to find one.

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It doesn’t show for me. At all. Even then, it’s still unlikely for people to know to go to their profile because it isn’t mentioned. Which is why you’d need a highlight or notification ,just to be 100% sure that they will notice.

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yea i just found out now this is my first post and i been on here for over a year


if you want it to say post, go to, create a new topic in the feature category, and say why it should be changed, but discourse calls it “Topic” (i don’t know why)

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