Notify Service [1.0]

Notify Service [Version 1]

Features: :spiral_notepad:

Build In Text filtering :right_anger_bubble:

Filters your messages! Hooray! You dont want someone to say something bad … right?

Private Notifications :bell:

Send a private notification to a player to inform them about specific info!

Server Sided Notifications :bell: :people_holding_hands:

Send a notification across the entire server to make sure that everybody will read your message!

Experience Notifications :bell: :world_map:

Inform the entire game about upcoming server shutdown or game update!

Customization :memo:

Customize your notifications to your liking! Add into the UIs! Give it your own personality! GO WILD!!!

Debugging :hammer_and_wrench:

Use built-in debug tool to play your notification tweens without doing anywork!

How it looks like in game?

Example Code:

-- [[ Services ]] --

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

-- [[ Modules ]] --

local NotifyService = require(ReplicatedStorage.Services.NotifyService)

-- [[ Functions ]] --

-- Example: Notify a specific client when they join the game
local function onPlayerAdded(player)
    local welcomeMessage = "Welcome to the game, " .. player.Name .. "!"
    NotifyService:NotifyClient(welcomeMessage, player)

-- Example: Notify all players on the server
local function broadcastToServer(message)
    local debounceTime = 5 -- Time between notifications to prevent spam
    NotifyService:NotifyServer(message, debounceTime)

-- Example: Notify the entire game universe
local function notifyUniverse(message)
    local debounceTime = 10 -- Longer debounce for universe-wide notifications
    NotifyService:NotifyUniverse(message, debounceTime)

-- [[ Event Listeners ]] --

-- Listen for when a player joins the game

-- Example: Broadcast a message to all players in the server after 30 seconds
broadcastToServer("A new event is starting soon!")

-- Example: Notify the entire game universe after 60 seconds
notifyUniverse("A global event is now live across all servers!")

-- Example: Directly triggering a debug notification (for testing)
NotifyService:Call_UI(2) -- Just a test debug call with a 2-second debounce

big up chat gpt for example script

Reporting and Suggesting

Feel free to report any bugs, or suggest other features i could add into this module system!
Thank you for choosing Notify!

:link: LINKS :link:

Notify Service :bell:
Roblox Group :peace_symbol:
Roblox Account :person_bald:


There are no images showing what this would look like and examples of it in action.

1 Like

Im gonna add some! This is my first time ever posting so im not really good at this type of stuff :smiley:


Can you add a video?