Notion API: I can't figure out how to create a page?

So I’m making a bug reporting system with the Notion API, but their API is overcomplicated and their documentation is lacking.

So how would I create a page please?

Here’s my current code:

function nuuh.newPage(parent_id: string, properties: {title: string, username: string, status: "to review" | "in progress" | "accepted" | nil, description: string})
	local success, response = pcall(function() -- requests data
		return HttpService:RequestAsync(
			{Url = string.format("%s/pages/", settings.API.Link),
				Method = "POST",
				Headers = {
					["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
					["Authorization"] = "Bearer " .. settings.auth.token,
					["Notion-Version"] = settings.API.Version},
				Body = HttpService:JSONEncode({
					parent = {
						database_id = parent_id
					properties = {
						title = {
							title = {{
								text = {
									content = properties.title
						username = {
							rich_text = {{
								text = {
									content = properties.username
						status = {
							status = {{
								text = {
									content = properties.status
						description = {
							rich_text = {{
								text = {
									content = properties.description

	if response.StatusCode ~= 200 then -- If it fails error
		error(string.format("Cannot create page: Error code %s: %s", response.StatusCode, response.StatusMessage))

	return HttpService:JSONDecode(response.Body)

And the error it returns:

["Body"] = "{"object":"error","status":400,"code":"validation_error","message":"body failed validation. Fix one:\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be an object or `null`, instead was `[{\"text\":{\"content\":\"to review\"}}]`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.\ should be defined, instead was `undefined`.","request_id":"e12b5ea3-76b8-435d-94b6-268ffa0fd45d"}",
                    ["Headers"] =  ▶ {...},
                    ["StatusCode"] = 400,
                    ["StatusMessage"] = "Bad Request",
                    ["Success"] = false

Basically, it’s asking you to include the properties listed in this page, since every database object must have fields id, name and type.

That’s for GET requests.

Also found my answer here:

I swear that there weren’t examples before.

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