Notoriety: A PAYDAY® Experience | Version 3.9.6

Play the game here


Quality of Life

  • Escaping now only requires 75% of players to be in the escape zone.
  • You are now shown when you are in the escape zone. While in the escape zone, you can see the requirements to escape (number of players, if it’s available)
  • Escaping now has a timer of 3 seconds. This is to ensure that you don’t accidentally escape. When “Point of No Return” timer is active, this will be disabled
  • In the purchase menu for primary and secondaries, it now shows the amount of guns you own.
  • Implemented third person models for most of the enemies weapons in order to improve performance
  • Updated ammo boxes model so that they don’t interfere with interactions
  • Added an option to favorite masks, preventing them from being deleted by accident
  • When using mask multi-selection deletion, masks that can’t be deleted for any reason are greyed out and unable to be selected
  • Kicked players now get rewarded with the secured loot
  • Significantly increased the speed in which the escape/secure zones can detect bags and players
  • Results screen animation runs faster
  • Infamous Shades and Halloween’s Pumpkin mask are now Exclusive rarity and will be prevented from being deleted
  • Shades and Pumpkin Mask should be automatically given back if missing
  • Removed camera motion from interactions like crowbar crate
  • Strong Grip skill now affects the pistol recoil animation, making the gun much more stable with little muzzle climbing
  • Improved controller support on lobby


  • (The Ozela Heist) Adjusted the camera facing near the RFID reader


  • New gun: Raging Bull (secondary)
  • USAS 12
    • New reload animation and casings


  • New interact animations
    • Answering a pager
    • Looting bag
    • Pick locking (normal and Infiltrator Aced version)
    • Wirecutter
    • Typing
  • Implemented support for third person interact animations (currently used only for crowbar crates and pager answering)


  • Slightly increased the range for flashbang usage for police.
  • Reduced chance for standard police to target bags from 100% to 20%.
  • HRT will no longer stop to shoot at players and will fire on the move while focusing on their objective of rescuing citizens.
  • Technician revamp. These changes are to make sentries a less “deploy and idle” sort of equipment and will now require some supervision. It also makes the technician a generally more formidable threat as they will seek to sabotage the player’s setup:
  • Technicians now target objectives again with 100% priority (drills, bags, and map objectives like power).
  • Technicians now emit an aura that reduce incoming sentry damage by 90%. This is similar to the medic’s healing power. Police affected will lose their protected status after 15 seconds.
  • Technicians now are slightly more bulky to match the health of other special units. From 40->230 HP. This is slightly more HP than the Medic/SWAT and slightly less HP than BrickTech, but Technicians have no body armor.
  • Technicians now prioritize attacking sentry guns.
  • Technicians will prefer moving towards objectives rather than stopping to fire at the player, similar to hostage rescue units.
  • Technician’s move speed reduced.
  • Technicians are more likely to spawn.
  • All Bulls, with exception of Mystic:
    • Bodyshot damage reduction increased from 50% → 80%
  • Bruiser
    • Now uses Akimbo W1887s.
    • Now fires the guns alternatively, rather than 2 at once.
    • Reduced fire rate
    • Increased accuracy and damage
  • Firebug
    • Increased range
    • Reduced breathing sound range
    • Increased walk speed
    • Now rushes more often
  • Sentinel
    • Updated animations
    • Visor is now animated
  • Added Raging Bull as an option for the Officers
  • Replaced SWAT and FBI Sniper’s rifle with the L96


  • The Professional Aced: People killed by you will not trigger max detection on guards, citizens, and cameras for 10 seconds. (changed from noise of silenced weapons being reduced by 60%)
  • Cameraman Basic: Cameras no longer track your location. (changed from being able to interact with cameras without masking up)
  • Cameraman Aced: Shots fired at a camera after being caught will not destroy them, but will instead “tag” them as friendly and spot for you. Occasionally, they will use concentrated light from lens distortion to deal damage to police near them. (changed from enemies spotted using cameras are visible 100% longer)
  • Hostage Taker Basic: For every hostage up to 5 hostages, you receive 3% of your health every 30 seconds. (changed from a flat 1% for at least 1 hostage)
  • Hostage Taker Aced: For every hostage (up to 5), your team now also receives 2% of their health every 30 seconds. Standing within 25 meters of a hostage will reduce police accuracy by 25%. (changed from a flat 5% heal for at least 1 hostage)
  • Charisma, Inspire, Halt! will now show in-world indicators when used similar to bullseye


  • Minigun:
    • Added optics and laser attachments.
    • New Minisilencer attachment - Increases Minigun concealment and makes it silent, at cost of damage and accuracy.
    • New reload animation
    • Reload time: Reduced back to 4.55 seconds
    • Ammo: 300/600 → 350/700
    • Ammo pickup: Restored back to 7-9
    • Accuracy: 40 → 60
  • RPG-7
    • Blast Radius increased from 10 studs to 20 studs
  • All shotguns
    • Now has consistent 40 knockback, same as Judge
  • M1 Garand:
    • Reduced ammo pickup from 7-9 → 1-3
    • Reduced spare ammo from 80 → 64
  • AKM
    • Damage increased from 110 → 120
    • Reduced tactical reload time from 3s → 2.2s
    • Reduced empty reload time from 3.4s → 2.6s
    • Reduced fire rate from 660 → 600
  • RPK
    • Updated reload animations
    • Damage reduced from 170 to 140
    • Fire rate reduced from 750 to 600
  • AKS-74U
    • Reduced tactical reload time from 2.9s → 2s
    • Reduced empty reload time from 3.9s → 2.4s
    • Accuracy reduced from 92 → 70
  • M16
    • Damage increased from 80 to 90
    • Reduced fire rate from 860 to 700
  • M4A1
    • Fire rate increased from 780 to 850
    • Accuracy reduced from 100 to 80
    • Concealment from 23 to 28
  • Flare Gun
    • Is now considered a “Pistol” as well, allowing it to benefit from Pistol skills
  • MP7
    • Increased mag capacity from 20 to 40.
  • Skills
    • Bullseye:
      • Increased cooldown from 1 second to 2 seconds.
      • Basic: armor gain increased from 5% to 10%
      • Aced: armor gain increased from 15% to 20%
  • Reduced weapon bag speed reduction from 75% → 50%.


  • Some escape zones were rotated incorrectly making their hitboxes incorrect. Most notable on The Depot.
  • Sentry guns didn’t respect Friendly Fire mutator damage multiplier and could damage both armor and health at the same time.
  • Fixed hostaged or converted cops being able to disable drills.
  • Fixed camera suspicion decay being affected by server lag.
  • Fixed a bug where the double health from the “Engineer” technician skill would count twice
  • Fixed clipping issues with Dominus and Radical Paintball (might require re-equiping of the masks)
  • Fixed inspire hand gesture not working
  • Fixed a bug where specific animated interactions (like Shadow Raid’s keypad gates) would cause the next object interacted to break if done before the animation was finished playing
  • Fixed M95’s HAMR Scope not having a reticle
  • Fixed Winchester 1873 EOTech Scope misaligned sight
  • Fixed a bug where if a player carrying a body left the game, the body would stay in place and be unable to be picked up.
  • (Brick Bank) Fixed a Specter ambush spot improperly placed, causing the Specter to not react to players around it.
  • Fixed a bug where masks equipped in other Profiles were not properly tagged as Equipped, allowing the player to delete them.
  • (Diamond Store) Fixed the Card Reader not disabling the alarm until Jade finished the early dialogue
  • (Rush Hour) Increased road thickness to prevent players from falling under the map when ran over
  • (Rush Hour) Fixed a drill timer being set to only 10 seconds
  • (Downtown Bank) Fixed a ceiling not having collision
  • (Downtown Bank) Made so that an invisible wall blocks players from going through the vault’s inner gate door without using the keys first
  • Fixed several heists allowing you to escape by going into custody once the main objectives were done and the escape was available
  • Fixed bags in the escape zone floating once secured in some cases
  • Fixed M110 always playing the empty reload animation
  • Fixed M95 playing mag insert sound twice
  • Fixed Oppressor aced not giving extra ammo to SAW
  • Fixed Bulls body damage resistance applying to Faceplate and visor
  • Fixed short throw (mouse button 2) being missing to the throwables Dynamite, Molotov, Smoke Bomb, Tear Gas, Subspace Tripmine and Stun Grenade
  • Fixed Hostage Taker skill not counting police hostages

Version 3.9.6a

Play the game here


  • Fixed dynamite not dealing damage
  • Fixed Minigun skins not being applied properly to the barrel
  • Fixed pager/crowbar interactions making weapons invisible upon use in certain cases
  • Fixed a bug where going too fast at high ping could end up downing you
  • (Authority) Fixed ATM machines not being able to be opened with SAW
  • (Diamond Store) Adjusted map script so that the escape doesn’t take too long to be enabled when done too fast

Version 3.9.6b

Play the game here


  • Every suit in the game has been reworked
    • Players with old suits still have them


  • Updated the appearance of the Notorious crew
  • Improved spawning logic and heist timer to be more consistent and prevent the player from getting stuck in the first few seconds
  • New Gameplay Settings:
    • Escape Timer - Enabled by default. When disabled, players will escape instantaneously when in the Escape zone.
    • Milliseconds Timer - Disabled by default. When enabled, the heist timer will also show the milliseconds.
  • Updated a few third person weapon models for AI
  • Updated camera position for The Depot assets
  • Holding the mask key button will now automatically equip the mask when you spawn


  • After Infamy 6, your weapons, equipment and builds are no longer reset. (Levels and Skills are still reset however)

Weapon Customization

  • You can now rename your weapons. Renamed weapons will be displayed inside quotes.
    • Up to 20 characters, and subject to Roblox’s filtering.
    • Weapon names can be reset to default by renaming and leaving it blank.
  • Separated Attachments/Skin customization via the “Modify Skins” button in the weapon modify tab
  • Added Pattern slots for Optics, Silencers and Lights
    • Lights will only affect the Model, but not the color of the Laser itself.
    • Previous skin slots will no longer affect weapon attachments (such as Slot 3 affecting Seal Suppressor for the Judge and Raging Bull)
  • Improved skin preview to include attachments


  • Sixth Sense Basic timer reduced from 10 seconds to 4 seconds. It also works in Loud.


  • Fixed the Blue Navy suit not having a first person viewmodel
  • Fixed Officers with Raging Bull not spawning properly
  • Fixed MP7 not having the new 40 round magazine buff
  • Fixed Sentry Gun destruction animation
  • Fixed the lockpick tool being visible during the bagging animation
  • Fixed the drill crank not turning when being interacted with
  • Fixed Raging Bull pattern slots not working
  • Fixed Sixth Sense Aced effect being applied by Ghost Pigeon Aced instead
  • Fixed an issue where very old data could have negative XP
  • Fixed Sniper Scopes missing skin when aiming down sights
  • Fixed some Infamy roman numerals like 46 being incorrect
  • (The Depot) Fixed the Artifact loot being unanchored
  • (Ozela Heist) Fixed a bug where killing/hostaging the Manager before opening the basement would softlock the game in the “Disable the security” objective
  • (Ozela Heist) Fixed a bug where if the manager was hostaged then killed at same time, the Laptop would not display the Code at certain times.
  • (Transport) Attempted to fix the game not functioning properly if a player has high ping when spawning
  • (Transport Day 1) Fixed doors not having kick prompt
  • (Transport Day 2) Fixed a bug where bags could get softlocked when thrown on top of the trucks (such as the crashed one at the beginning)
  • (Shopping Spree) Fixed police getting stuck, causing much fewer than expected to attack players