Welcome to Nova Security!
Nova Security is a protective service for Nova Incorporated [NI], with the objective to protect Nova Incorporated bases such as the Spaceship. Nova Security counts on you to assure their safety!
Our goal is to assure everyone is well trained and more so, have a good time. Nova Security always strives to have a positive environment: coming together as a community to accomplish even larger goals for the future.
Security Duties & Responsibilities
- As a security member, you’ll be tasked with standing guard, patrolling, and protecting visitors. In the official Nova Incorporated Games, you are to represent the group in a positive light. We are here to protect visitors and fight against raiders.
Security Dress Code
All Nova Security personnel are required to wear a valid Nova uniform on any base, which currently includes the Nova Spaceship, Nova Incorporated HQ, Nova Incorporated Nuclear Icebreaker, Nova Security Training Facility, and the Activity Center.
You can also type in the “!uniform” command on Nova bases. It will make a GUI appear for you to put on a uniform and free uniform givers in-game if you cannot afford it. There will also be an option to purchase it.
Elite Troopers and above ranks are allowed to have a customized uniform that has been approved. Please see the Custom Uniform Guide for more information.
Ranking System
The Merit system is the current system Nova Security uses to decide LR-MR promotions. Please see the Promotion System page for more information.
The maximum rank that can be earned through Merits is Special Officer.
Group Moderation System
All members are required to follow the rules. Select Staff reserve the right to conduct the appropriate consequences depending on the rule(s) broken. There is also a blacklist system used for major consequences.
Blacklist System
Nova Security has a blacklisting system in the order of 3 stages. All blacklists are logged.
Stage 1 Blacklist - Unable to rejoin Nova Security - opportunity to appeal on specified date.
Stage 2 Blacklist - Unable to rejoin Nova Incorporated Divisions - opportunity to appeal on specified date.
Stage 3 Blacklist - Banned from all Nova games and Communication Servers - opportunity to appeal on specified date.
- To appeal a ban, join the Nova Appeals & Assistance Communication Server by messaging an NSET+ for the invitation and follow the instructions presented to you on the server.
General Rules
Please note, ROBLOX Terms of Service will apply regardless of any rule.
- Everyone must wear a uniform while patrolling, attending trainings, or generally on any Nova Base.
- Security may only kill raiders and hostile visitors. No warnings are necessary to kill unless the rule broken is a game rule (such as spamming the chat), where you would issue a warning to the player, and submit a report if it continues.
- The safety of visitors is the top priority. Assure all visitors are having a safe and enjoyable experience.
- A security member may not kill another security member. If you catch a fellow security breaking the rules, submit a report.
- Security may not abuse the weapons they are given either in training or patrolling.
- Respect and follow orders of those within a higher position (Security Trainers+).
- Do not Troll, Abuse, Exploit, or Raid any Nova base.
ROBLOX Community Rules: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/203313410-Roblox-Community-Rule
Elite Troopers [MR-HR]
This rank is given to Special Officers who have passed an evaluation. Here are some guidelines for ETs:
- You are a role model for lower ranks. Do not be unprofessional or break the rules.
- Should be friendly, mature, and helpful to those in need.
- Don’t abuse your powers and cuffs when in bases, Others look up to you so don’t make yourself look stupid.
Nova Overwatch Unit [NOU]
The Nova Overwatch Unit, or NOU, is a moderation group which responds to certain reports in Official Nova Bases and Divisions. To join, you must be invited. Anyone can be invited to join the NOU. Do not ask for an invite.
If you have any questions, please ask on the appropriate server!