Nova Security [NS] Official Handbook

Nova Security [NS] Handbook

- - - Welcome to Nova Security - - -

⚬ Nova Security is a protective service for Nova Incorporated [NI]. With the objective to protect Nova Incorporated bases such as the Headquarters [HQ] and Spaceship. Nova Security counts on you to assure their safety.

⚬ Our goal is to assure everyone is well trained and more so, having a good time. As Nova Security staff always strive to have a positive environment. Coming together as a community to accomplish even larger goals for the future.

- - - Nova Security Duties - - -

⚬ As a security member, you’ll be tasked with certain things within Nova bases. Usually will be standing guard, patrolling, and protecting visitors.

⚬ Everyone will be required to follow all rules and guidelines presented to them, for you to successfully have a joyous time and for the opposite to take effect should you violate any rules.

- - - Security Dress-Code - - -

⚬ All Nova Security personnel are required to wear a Nova uniform on any base. Which currently includes the Nova Spaceship, Nova Incorporated HQ, Nova Security Training Facility, and the Activity Center.

⚬ You can also type in the “!uniform” Command on Nova bases. Which will make a GUI appear for you to put on a uniform along with free uniform givers in-game if you cannot afford it. There will also be an option to purchase it, which is optional.

⚬ Elite Troopers and above ranks are allowed to have a custom uniform. More details and rules will be stated on the bulletin board below.

Uniform Rules and Regulations: Nova Uniform and Design Handbook

- - - Ranking System - - -

⚬ ‘Ticks’ is the current system Nova Security uses when promotions are given.

⚬ In order to earn ticks, you must attend trainings, participate, and win events hosted by Security Trainers. Once you reach a specific amount of ticks for a rank, you’ll be promoted.

⚬ The maximum rank that can be earned through ticks, is Maximum Security.

⚬ To advance beyond Maximum Security, you must join Nova Security Elite Troopers and pass 5 ET evaluations. Please use the link below to see more information.
NSET Handbook: Nova Security Elite Trooper Handbook

- - - Rules System - - -

⚬ Each rule required to be followed by everyone. Staff reserve the right to conduct the appropriate consequences depending on the rule(s) you have broken.

1. Reminder: May result in a warning, or a verbal reminder.
2. Minor Offence: Will result in a warning or mute.
3. Moderate Offence: Will result in a mute, demotion, or kick.
4. Major Offence: This Will result in a server ban or rank resetting.

- - - Blacklist System - - -

⚬ Nova Security has a blacklisting system in the order of 3 stages.

Stage 1 Blacklist - Unable to rejoin Nova Security, has the opportunity to appeal.

Stage 2 Blacklist - Unable to rejoin Nova Incorporated groups, has the opportunity to appeal.

Stage 3 Blacklist - The user may not be in contact with any Nova Staff member (Security Trainer and above), will be Trello-banned from all Nova games and discord servers, and may not appeal.

⚬ To appeal a ban join the Nova Assistance & Appeal server and follow the instructions presented to you on the server.

Welcome to the Rules Section of the Nova Security handbook.

⚬ Please read all the rules carefully.

⚬ If any change is made to the rules, it will be announced within the discord server and the Nova Security Roblox group shout.

⚬ Punishments range from verbal warnings to exiles.

- - - Rules: Applied to Everyone - - -

⚬ Please note, ROBLOX Terms of Service will apply regardless of any rule.

  1. Everyone must wear a uniform while patrolling, attending trainings, or generally on any Nova Base.

  2. Security must give a player at least 2-3 warnings before killing the player. After that, only 1 warning is needed.

  3. The safety of visitors is the top priority. Assure all visitors are having a safe and enjoyable experience.

  4. A security member can not kill another security member on purpose unless the security member is breaking a rule.

  5. Security may not abuse the weapons they are given either in training or patrolling.

  6. Respect and follow orders of those within a higher position.

  7. Be mature when on Nova bases.

  8. Do not troll, exploit, or raid any Nova base.

ROBLOX Community Rules:

- - - Rules: High Ranks/Executives - - -

  1. Do not abuse any commands presented to you.

  2. Do not make silly orders that would otherwise be immature, illogical, and/or go against our rules.

  3. Be mature and professional, regardless of where you are.

- - - Recruit Security [LR] - Maximum Security [MR] - - -

⚬ Standard security members, tasked with the protection of Nova bases.

⚬ Should remain mature and professional at all times on base.

⚬ Quick to follow orders with pace and without question.

- - - Elite Troopers [MR] - - -

⚬ Role models for how a trainee should be behaving.

⚬ Should be friendly, mature, helpful to those in need, trustworthy with power, and active.

- - - Security Trainers [HR] - - -

⚬ Tasked with hosting trainings, to progress the security team.

⚬ Should be friendly, mature, trustworthy of power, and active.

⚬ After a training has been hosted and concluded, you must wait one hour before another is hosted.

- - - Leading Staff [HR] - - -

⚬ Tasked with upholding Security Trainer activity and improving their skills in any way possible.

⚬ Should be professional, mature, trustworthy of power, and active.

- - - Nova Commanders [EX] - - -

⚬ Tasked with handling more larger group affairs. Such as ban appeals, blacklists, and seeking out potential new staff.

⚬ Should be professional, mature, trustworthy of power, and active.

- - - Head of Nova Overwatch Unit (NOU) [EX] - - -

⚬ Head of moderation. Along with NOU personnel, they will assure no one is breaking rules.

⚬ If you do encounter someone who is breaking a rule, report it to them.

⚬ Should be professional, mature, trustworthy of power, and active.

- - - Head of Nova Incorporated (NI) [EX] - - -

⚬ Lead developer for Nova. Generally is not involved in moderation and group affairs unless instructed to.

⚬ Should be professional, mature, trustworthy of power, and active.

- - - Head of Nova Security [EX] - - -

⚬ Also referred to as the ‘Nova Chairman’. They are the owner of the group and head of all official Nova Divisions and development, and will generally deal with all group affairs. Such as development, documentation, staff activity, blacklists, appeals, funding, etc.