Now Entering pop up

I need help with scripting a now entering pop up (or however it’s called)

It should look like this

I have not found any solutions for that, could someone help?
A script for that would be appreciated

Use a Part as area, which if is touched puts a gui into the PlayerGui, btw you need to use Hit.Parent:GetPlayerFromCharacter().

Also heres a script if you don’t understand. (put a cooldown)

local Area = script.Parent -- Script into a part
local ScreenGui = script.Parent.ScreenGuiName:Clone() -- Put the ScreenGui which will be the pop up into the part, and change ScreenGuiName to the ScreenGui's name.

	if Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- Detecs if Player touched the area.
		local Player = Hit.Parent:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Hit.Parent)
		ScreenGui.Parent = Player.PlayerGui

Ok so if your talking about making a ui that jut pops up, follow what @Epicness suggested. If you talking about the gui effect then theres a really cool feature in roblox ui elements called ClipsDescendants. This basically means that if their children is outside of their “bounding box”, the excess parts will disappear. You can combine this with tweening to create the effect you see in the video.

I just put this together:

If you want a copy of the file just dm me or smthg like that.

I’m gonna post the file cuz someone asked for it:

Entering UI.rbxl (33.4 KB)