Hi, I’m currently making a myth-like game to play a trick with my friends.
I’m currently needing some help though because it’s not really displaying on the Client version of Roblox.
What are you trying to succeed?
I’m currently using a UI to spawn an NPC then the NPC will make an animation. -
What is the issue?
It displays in Roblox Studio, but it doesn’t display in the Roblox Client.
Loud Warning
I’m too lazy to show the client version, so just imagine an NPC just standing still doing nothing.
What solutions have you tried so far?
I’ve tried taking out local from the variables, but it just didn’t even do anything; it was the same result!
Other info:
- The NPC(S) is/are located in ServerStorage
TextButton that spawns the NPC
function OnClicked()
game.ServerStorage.Monster:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace --Clones itself to workspace
workspace.Monster.Scream:Play() --Detects monster in workspace due to being cloned to there^
Animation on NPC
local hum = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid") --Detects if NPC has a Humanoid
local anim = hum:LoadAnimation(script:FindFirstChildOfClass("Animation")) --Detects animation
anim:Play() --Plays animation
wait(4) --Waits for the animation to end
script.Parent:Destroy() --Destroys the NPC (Making it disappear)