NPC Animations doesn't work

Im making an NPC with custom rig and animations.

Animations doesn’t play :frowning:
They don’t play in the game or in studio, no matter what I do.

What I did is:

  1. Published the game to my group
  2. Published group animations for my NPC.
  3. I took the “Animated” script from the toolbox (I tried different ones)
  4. Replaced the animation IDs in the script with my own.

I tried using both types of script - server and local.
Didn’t help. I also don’t see any errors in the output window.
However, if I try to run the animation myself (load the anim track, play it) the animations work, These animations were made specifically for this rig, so i believe the problem is in the script.


What should i do? Any ideas?

  1. Are you sure your NPC has a Animator object in their Humanoid?
  2. Are you sure you’re loading your animations by using this method?
local npc = script.Parent
local h = npc.Humanoid
local ani = h.Animator

--if your loading animations with animation objects, 
--make sure you set them as a variable otherwise ignore the next line
local anim = h.Animation

local track = ani:LoadAnimation("rbxassetid://ID") -- you can change "rbxassetid://ID" to a animation object
  1. Yes, npc has animator object in their humanoid.
  2. Yes, this script using this method. Any other “Animated” script you can find in your character or toolbox uses this method. Its default roblox animate script.


Did you modify the animate script at all?
(like changing it’s code)

Yes, as i said, i inserted animations IDs in this script.