I’m creating a story game and I have been running into an issue recently. Basically I’m trying to make NPCS spawn in at a certain time in the game. However I have been running into an issue. The way I’m making the NPCS spawn in is by setting their transparency to 1 in the start of the game and then changing it to 0 when I want them to spawn in. The problem comes in that the body of the NPCS keeps glitching green whenever the transparency is set back to 0.
try checking if the parts name is not HumanoidRootPart
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It Is
in the script
if value:IsA("Part") or value:IsA("UnionOperation") or value.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart'
It should be
if value:IsA("BasePart") and value.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then
This code checks if value is a BasePart and isn’t HumanoidRootPart
BasePart means Part, UnionOperation, MeshPart, TrussPart etc.
This worked perfect! Tysm for the help i have been struggling with this for so damn long!
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