NPC Chat System [WIP]

Finally got this thing working after a whole grueling day of a bug I couldn’t fix, feedback would be appreciated!


You did well. looks amazing!

Happy bday btw. Hope u got something as I havent gotten anything for my bday in a while

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Looks great! Honestly, the camera movement and gui looks really clean. My only suggestion would be to perhaps make the text size fixed, so it doesn’t shrink as the text gets longer. And to start it at the top left. But that’s just personal preference. :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: OH happy birthday!

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Thank you for the feedback and wishing me a happy birthday!

Ill take that into consideration its not fully dont yet, I still have features to add to it!

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In the school part, “peter” was lowercase and that’s a name so it needs to be “Peter”. Also happy bday!

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Alright ill take note of that since names are nouns thanks

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