NPC ChatService Issue

Hi. I have an issue that affects all players in my game. Right now I have NPCs who order from cashiers using ChatService to display their orders.

The issue is that sometimes the chat bubbles for a certain NPC will not appear until they have spawned back in again. Some players can see their chats and other players can’t

So far, I’ve tried changing some bubble chat settings and also changed from firing “ChatService:Chat()” on the server to firing it to all clients using a remote event.

This is a simplified example of how I’m making the NPCs chat:

local ChatEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.NPC.ChatEvent

ChatEvent:FireAllClients(ChosenNPC.ChatLocation, "Hello")
local ChatEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.NPC.ChatEvent

ChatEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(npc, message)
	game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(npc, message, Enum.ChatColor.White)

If anyone knows of a solution or if this is a known bug, please let me know.

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It’s also been reported that for some players, chat bubbles do not appear at all for anyone who sends a message.

Some proof someone has sent me regarding the issue:

If you are using TextChatService, you can’t use the Chat service.