so i have this dialogue script, and it used to work fine. i opened studio after a while, and for some reason, if there is no nextNode provided, the dialogue exit does not show up. i’ve tried using ChatGPT, but it has not been helpful, and has only broken my script even further.
before my script broke, if there was no nextNode, it would bring up the exit dialogue button. now it doesn’t do that? i have not touched the code, which is very confusing.
local gui = script.Parent
local container = gui:WaitForChild("choiceContainer")
local choiceTemplate = script:WaitForChild("replyChoice")
local npcText = gui:WaitForChild("npcTextFrame"):WaitForChild("npcText")
local typewriter = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("centralText"))
local departureText = "See you later!"
local dialogueNodes = {
[1] = {
text = "Greetings! This is an NPC dialogue test. How are you on this fine evening?",
choices = {
[1] = { text = "Not great right now, it could be better", nextNode = 2 },
[2] = { text = "I'm feeling fantastical! How are you?", nextNode = 3 },
[3] = { text = "My mood is mediocre", nextNode = 4 },
[2] = { text = "I'm sorry to hear that..." };
[3] = {
text = "I'm feeling refreshed! Is there anything else you would like to know about?",
choices = {
[1] = { text = "Fine dining!", nextNode = 5, follow = true },
[2] = { text = "No! Get off my case, buzzard face!", nextNode = 6, follow = true },
[3] = { text = "The shopping scene.", nextNode = 7, follow = true },
[4] = {
text = "Same, to be honest."
[5] = {
text = "Ah! There are many wonderful restaurants around here! My favourite is the one down the street.",
choices = {}
[6] = {
text = "You needn't be rude...",
choices = {}
[7] = {
text = "You are interested in the shopping experiences! Might I suggest the local farmer's market?",
choices = {
[1] = { text = "I'll be sure to check it out. Have a nice day!" }, -- now if you click this option, nothing happens
[2] = { text = "I don't like that farmer's market. I ate some honey from over there, and it made me sick.", nextNode = 2 }
local function createDialogue(currentNode)
-- clear previous choices
for _, child in ipairs(container:GetChildren()) do
if child:IsA("TextButton") then
-- set NPC text
typewriter:tweenTypewriter(dialogueNodes[currentNode].text, npcText, true, 3, "rbxassetid://8253504731")
-- create choices if available
local choices = dialogueNodes[currentNode].choices
if choices and #choices > 0 then
for choiceIndex, choiceData in ipairs(choices) do
local choiceInstance = choiceTemplate:Clone()
choiceInstance.Name = "Choice" .. choiceIndex
choiceInstance.Text = choiceData.text
choiceInstance.Parent = container
-- connect click event for choices
local nextNode = choiceData.nextNode
if nextNode then
if choiceData.follow then
-- now this does not function if there is no nextNode? it used ot work just fine.
elseif choices and not choices.nextNode then
-- no options left
local noRepliesLeft = script:WaitForChild("exitButton"):Clone()
noRepliesLeft.Text = departureText
noRepliesLeft.Parent = container
print("conversation over")
gui.Enabled = false
-- no options left here, either
local noRepliesLeft = script:WaitForChild("exitButton"):Clone()
noRepliesLeft.Text = departureText
noRepliesLeft.Parent = container
print("conversation over")
gui.Enabled = false
-- initialize dialogue with the first node