NPC (Dummy/Rig) Resizing Issue

I’m trying to resize a dummy, but every time I test the game the dummy reverts back to it’s default size. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

The reason it is resizing back to it’s original form is because of it’s HumanoidDescription. You have to manually change it’s Scale properties so that the NPC’s body parts are sized the way you want them to be.

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Well if you can provide more info about how are you trying to resize the character…

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Haven’t tried any scripting, just used the default scaling tool. How would I get started with HumanoidDescription?

Well, through script or not, to make models keep resized is better for you to use the tools roblox provides for chars for that purpuse. Roblox’s character scale are often controlled by the Player’s account, so they have a more complex system for that

If you are no-scripting, just add NumberValues with these names and respective value inside the humanoid, else, you can add or edit them through script (server side only). At studio they have no max limits.


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So in order to edit them do I have to create a script or does the platform automatically recognize the numbers and change the scale from there? I also noticed you said respective value, what’s that?

You can script them or set them manually as I have already posted in my first reply or you can script them. They both do the same thing in this situation.

Edit: Some developers script it because they want to update the scale value of each body part based on their in-game events.

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respective value: 100% = 1, 50% = 0.5, 1000% = 10

You dont need to create a script, you can manually create these values (from the “+” icon in explorer, or “insertObject” option, choose “NumberValue”). But to edit it at run time, only through script.

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