NPC Emotes not working

Today I was trying to make an npc dance. In short, it didn’t work, the animation didn’t play, and I was left confused. I watched tutorials on how to fix it, even used a free model at some point. Nothing worked.

Tried to use this emote: Bored - Roblox


^ what i came up with from own trial, tutorial and free model. mostly just the free model lol

Is it your animation? If you don’t own it, it won’t work.

Is the animation looped, and is the priority on action?

edit: try replacing the id with “

Doesn’t work!

@s5urt I don’t own the animation, no. It’s created by Roblox.

The animation itself doesn’t have those properties. Perhaps I have to add it to the script? Do you know how I could add that?

If you click on the animation there is a property called “AnimationId”. Changing that should fix it, I just did it on a dummy.


Ah, the problem was I had the avatar anchored. Fixed now, thanks!

Hmm that’s weird, mine works fine with all parts anchored.