Npc falls through ground when meant to walk

Hello developers, I am having a problem where my NPC is falling through the ground when my game starts and tries to move backwards. I have a script in the npc that makes it walk to a certain part, that part isn’t the issue but when I anchor the HumanoidRootPart it doesn’t work anymore. The NPC doesn’t fall through the ground when that happens, but it makes the script not work. Any help is greatly appreciated.


I think this issue might have to do with hip height. I don’t really know though.
The reason why It does not move when you anchor the humanoid root part is that when the humanoid root part is anchored nothing can move as everything is welded to that part so its like the humanoid root part controls everything.


Try making the hip height more see if that helps.

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You see, that brings me to the next problem when I change the hip height, it goes back to -1 no matter what I do. I don’t know if there is a setting to fix that or not.