NPC gliding issue

Hello everyone!

I’m working a new game and currently I’m trying to set up the enemy NPC-s, but I’ve ran into an issue.

The issue is that when I spawn the enemies, sometimes, not all of them, start sliding around wildly as seen in the video below.

I’ve looked up on the interwebs if anyone’s had the similar issue, most posts seem to be related to client-side hip height issues but I’ve tested thoroughly and the hip height is fine on both client/server, and it also happens on both of them.

Has anyone ran into this before? Is there a fix for it?

Have you tried changing the hipheight of the humanoid?

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I couldn’t fix the issue, but I’ve found a workaround, I spawn the enemies 6 studs above where they’re supposed to be, anchored the HRP, beforehand turning the transparency on all pieces to 1 and then after 1s drop the enemy down and unanchor the HRP and turn the transparency back to 0

Seems like roblox needed a second to properly load the humanoid character