NPC Greeter

Basically has NPC’s greet you when they see you (and when it is possible to without overwriting another NPC’s greeting before you see it).


Model Link:

Is it Rays or Magnitude based? or a bit of both?

[quote] Cool.
Is it Rays or Magnitude based? or a bit of both? [/quote]
Was done with raycasting initially; however I switched it to be based off of Region3’s.

Well it’s changed now; since Region3s don’t account for walls I made it so it is a combination of Region3 and Raycasting; if it raycasts into a transparent object, it will keep going to try and find the player.

I feel so welcomed.

Video doesn’t work?

EDIT: I should’ve refreshed I guess

I can see it fine. Here’s a direct link?

That is very nice, what are you using it for?

Absolutely nothing. I made it so people in need of a utility like this could have it.

Absolutely nothing. I made it so people in need of a utility like this could have it.[/quote]

It isn’t set to “free”?

Absolutely nothing. I made it so people in need of a utility like this could have it.[/quote]

It isn’t set to “free”?[/quote]
Didn’t realize that. Thanks.

It won’t let me edit the model to free. So I had to create a new one… New link:


I’ve made something like this as well (shameless self promotion)
see 0:36

[quote] Nice!

I’ve made something like this as well (shameless self promotion)
see 0:36 [/quote]
End game for me is similar to what you did in 0:36. I am planning on creating a full dialogue system

Why not do conical vision testing? that way it’s more realistic, the essence of a cone:

Dot product the lookvector and the unit vector between the NPC and player, it should be above the threshold of how ‘wide’ the cone it, 1 is a cone width of 0, 0.5 is a cone width of ~45 degrees, after the check to see if it’s within the cone sides, you do a magnitude check on the vector between the NPC and player to make sure it’s within range (adding a ‘base’ to the cone), then you raycast to the player from the NPC to make sure the player is actually visible, and not behind a wall, the raycast is last because it’s the most expensive of the checks

This method is how I move my units in my RTS, the cones I call collision cones, and units before moving in a direction do this cone check to see that the space they are moving to, they won’t collide with another unit, it’s a very cheap check, and yields pretty satisfying results, especially in your case, because human vision is conical :slight_smile:

[quote] Why not do conical vision testing? that way it’s more realistic, the essence of a cone:

Dot product the lookvector and the unit vector between the NPC and player, it should be above the threshold of how ‘wide’ the cone it, 1 is a cone width of 0, 0.5 is a cone width of ~45 degrees, after the check to see if it’s within the cone sides, you do a magnitude check on the vector between the NPC and player to make sure it’s within range (adding a ‘base’ to the cone), then you raycast to the player from the NPC to make sure the player is actually visible, and not behind a wall, the raycast is last because it’s the most expensive of the checks

This method is how I move my units in my RTS, the cones I call collision cones, and units before moving in a direction do this cone check to see that the space they are moving to, they won’t collide with another unit, it’s a very cheap check, and yields pretty satisfying results, especially in your case, because human vision is conical :slight_smile: [/quote]
Because I’ve never heard of it. But thanks for the idea; I will work on making that the system when I decide to stop working on some of my other projects for this.