NPC Humanoid Description?

Hello! I’m attempting to customize the appearance of my NPC’s through Humanoid Description, and i’m doing it very similarly to how i’m applying the players appearance as well, and for the players it works great! However, for the NPC’s it isn’t; there are no errors or warnings or anything of the like, and i’m trying to do it locally, because the NPC’s themselves are local. Does anyone have any thoughts?

Humanoid descriptions don’t work locally and I wouldn’t recommend a workaround either since that may lead to unnecessary replication and all. That is unless the replication is worth it. In the case of local NPCs, I personally would just go ahead and move the assets to the NPCs myself.

A potential solution could be to assemble the NPC on the server and transfer it over to the client.

Hmm ok… any thoughts then on body scaling? For the local?

That was the primary reason i wanted to use the humanoid description.