NPC Humanoids Sliding like Crazy

I’m trying to have NPC humanoid mobs, but whenever they are dropped from even the slightest height, they start to slide super fast. I’m not even sure what type of error this could be classified as, but I’m guessing it’s an issue with my rigging.

I checked, and the mobs are always in the freefall humanoidstate whenever they slide. I’ve tried disabling the state and creating my own pseudo-gravity; this turned out to have even more flaws than simply keeping the freefall state enabled.


It can happen for any of my mobs so far, though the frog ones are especially susceptible. I’m not sure what exactly I did that prevented the slime mobs from sliding like crazy, so I’d like to know if anyone’s solved a similar issue.


I’m not a scripter myself, and I don’t think I can really help you, but I think this should belong in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support . That way people who are browsing that category can see and help you out. Anyways best of luck to fixing the problem. (^^)b

I’ve done a lot of trial and error work with custom NPC rigs, and my biggest recommendation, simply for the sake of not having to deal with ridiculous physics mishaps and strange humanoid behavior, is this:

1) Create a generic R6/R15 rig and use this as your “base” rig. For this base rig, set the transparency of limbs to 1, remove face decals, etc. etc.
2) Weld your custom NPC rig to the HumanoidRootPart, positioning its offset from the HumanoidRootPart such that it appears to be standing on the ground. Your custom rig should be massless, CanCollide = false
3) Run all humanoid behavior (walking, jumping, etc.) through the base rig, and play your animations in the custom NPC rig. Last I checked, games can get a little slow when they have tons of humanoids, so to avoid doubling your humanoid count you can delete the humanoid from your custom NPC rig and just use AnimationControllers to play rig animations instead.

This method likely has some cons to it, but personally, I think that whatever cons it may have pale in comparison to weird, undocumented humanoid issues, and there’s a lot of them. I remember actually having the sliding issue back in the day, and it went away when I implemented this method of handing NPCs. If you try this method out and have issues with it, let me know and I can try to dig through some of my old code for you in case I missed a step.

The Cube World art style looks great by the way!


Are you certain the hip height is correct? The constant down force on the HRP from a hip height that’s too small will result in similar sliding

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That’s another issue I’ve faced. The sliding does not stop until the hipheight is obscenely high and the mob is floating. There’s no in between where the humanoid is both on the ground and not sliding.


Thank you, I’ll give this a try.

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