NPC Not Animating At All?

Any idea why my NPC is not animating at all?

It’s basically a TutorialGuide. When you ask for quest it should wave, and when you aren’t asking for anything it should just play idle animation though… It seems to not move at all?

I made sure every part is not anchored either. I tried both animations R15 & R6.

This is the basic Animate script →

local Events = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Events")

local Wave = Events.WaveEvent

local animationIdle = script:WaitForChild("Animations").Idle
local animationWave = script:WaitForChild("Animations").Wave

local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local idleAnimTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animationIdle)
local waveAnimTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animationWave)


	print("Went through")

Though on client event, it seems to not print either? Why is this happening?

Server script part ( not including everything ) →


The NPC seems to just be glued to the floor, and I have to idea why…

I know almost nothing about how this stuff works, but when I was trying to get an npc to animate, I changed the script to a server script and it seemed to work. I don’t know if our situation are the same though but it might be worth a try.


This stuff is major complicated because your using roblox core stuff. Look for a tutorial on YouTube I have found many helpful things about NPCS there

I can help you some more with it if you need

use this video to give your character humanoid aspects, please be sure to include all of it, not just the “animation” script.


woah it worked perfectly for me tysm man

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