NPC Spawn on random Parts?

Hello, I want to make Zombie NPC spawn on random parts, “ZombieSpawn”. However it only spawns on the first “ZombieSpawn” part.

I am very new to scripting and would like to pursue Comp Sci, how do i go about to solve this?
I have tried to google this problem for many days but couldn’t find solution.

function SpawnZombie(Zombie_Type, CF) -- spawn zombie command; call when wanting to spawn zombie. pass zombie type and desired CFrame
	local Zombie_Info = Zombie_Data[Zombie_Type]
	if Zombie_Info then
		local Clone= Zombie_Models[Zombie_Type]:Clone() 
		Clone.Parent = workspace.MobsFolder
		local Zombie =, Zombie_Info)
		--Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CF +,Model.Humanoid.HipHeight + Model.HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y/2,0))
		Model.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = (CF +,Model.Humanoid.HipHeight + Model.HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y/2,0))
		Model.PrimaryPart.Anchored = false
		Zombies[Zombie.humanoid] = Zombie

for x, spawner in pairs(mobSpawns:GetChildren()) do
			while mobsToSpawn > 0 do	
				mobsToSpawn = mobsToSpawn - 1
				SpawnZombie(mobTypeSpawn, spawner.CFrame +,10),10,0))			


Thank you

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Where is the script placed? I have to type this in so I have enough characters to post this…

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This script is placed in the ServerScriptService. Named as GameHandler

You’d have to put the spawners as a separate value and put the while loop outside of that loop and just get a random spawner. something like this basically

function SpawnZombie(Zombie_Type, CF) -- spawn zombie command; call when wanting to spawn zombie. pass zombie type and desired CFrame
	local Zombie_Info = Zombie_Data[Zombie_Type]
	if Zombie_Info then
		local Clone= Zombie_Models[Zombie_Type]:Clone() 
		Clone.Parent = workspace.MobsFolder
		local Zombie =, Zombie_Info)
		--Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CF +,Model.Humanoid.HipHeight + Model.HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y/2,0))
		Model.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = (CF +,Model.Humanoid.HipHeight + Model.HumanoidRootPart.Size.Y/2,0))
		Model.PrimaryPart.Anchored = false
		Zombies[Zombie.humanoid] = Zombie

local spawners = mobSpawns:GetChildren()

for i = mobsToSpawn, 0, -1 do	
	SpawnZombie(mobTypeSpawn, spawners[math.random(#spawners)].CFrame +,10),10,0))			

Store all the spawns in a variable and loop for how many mobs you have to spawn and put them in a random position near a spawn. It’s also recomemnded that you use a for loop for how you were doing it. But if needed, you can change it back to the while loop

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The script works! Thank you.
I would like to understand it a bit further,

What does the for i = mobsToSpawn, 0, -1 mean?
and what does spawners[math.random(#spawners)] mean too?

As per my knowledge, i thought for loops are used with in pairs.
I am unsure of what keywords to put on google to help me to understand. Hope you could help too. Thank you!

Also for my code, i wanted it to spawn on a random X coordinate between 1,10 of the ZombieSpawn however it isn’t working.

Basically for i = mobsToSpawn, 0, -1 is an numerical loop, the first argument is the number to start with, the 2nd being the number to end at, and the 3rd one is optional but it is how the number decrements/increments every loop. By default it is set to 1, meaning the number increases by 1 till it reaches the ending number. Basically, it does this

Do this loop starting from how many mobs we have to spawn and ending at 0, going down at increments of -1

spawners[math.random(#spawners)] is basically retrieving a random thing from the spawners variable. When do you GetChildren(), it returns an array of all the children of an instance, the code basically generates a random number from 1 to how many things are in the array, as the # is used to get the length of something, and then uses that number to get a random thing from the array

I hope my wording is understandable.

Also maybe try changing

SpawnZombie(mobTypeSpawn, spawners[math.random(#spawners)].CFrame *,10),0,0))


SpawnZombie(mobTypeSpawn, spawners[math.random(#spawners)].CFrame *,10),0,0))

I think from my understanding based on your reply,
spawners[math.random(#spawners)] sets a number to the spawners which is then randomly selected.

Anyways the * gives an error. But it’s okay, i removed that code.

Thanks for the help!

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Anytime! If you have anymore issues don’t be afraid to make another post!

And to try and explain that line again, imagine this. You have 3 things inside of a part and you use GetChildren(), that will return a table containing all the things inside of that part. When you do math.random(#spawners), if there are 3 spawners, it will generate a random number between 1 and 3, and then uses that number to get a certain spawner based on its position in the table.

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