The image above is a prototype.
This game is specifically about accepting or declining ban requests right, and for that I want it to be like an npc walks out that door with the banned players appearance & start talking about their reasoning for unbanning. This info will be given through an application of course.
What I need help with, is finding out how to make and generate npcs with animations in them, to walk in and out of this scene.
If u didn’t understand that, basically how do I make it so npcs with the outfit of the person who is banned walk out that door. Getting the ID & player name is no problem btw.
There are a couple asynchronous methods of the Players service that retrieve information about character appearance according to a user ID. Your best bet is probably fetching all assets a player is wearing with GetCharacterAppearanceAsync(), then adorning every asset from the result into a humanoid capable of animation. You can manually open the door leading to the room and use MoveTo() on the humanoids to cause the NPCs to walk.