NPC UI. Which looks better?


I have made two UI examples for an NPC I am working on. I’d like to know which one you think looks better.

( There are some coding issues with the UI currently, but I can fix that later. )

NPC UI V1 ( More open )

NPC UI V2 ( Full screen )

Which looks best?
  • NPC UI V1 ( More Open to see the landscape )
  • NPC UI V2 ( Better to see the UI, but takes up a lot of screen space )
  • Both are bad ( Comment something else that might be better )

0 voters

Thanks for any feedback or votes you give. :slight_smile:


In my opinion Just moving the dialogues frame to bottom right will make it look better and surely can give more space for the landscape also rn it looks bland and really simple just works with some colours that works with your landscape change the font make the text animation script a lil faster and you’ll be good.


This is basic UI for now as I don’t really know much about UI, but I have moved the positioning to the bottom right.

Does this look better?

I think it does and it’s fine it’s looks good as it is rn you’ll know what to change after you’ve looked at it multiple times lol.

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That looks better for me too. [30letters]

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The top one, the large one has a lot of unreasonable space and really is necessary for a dialog system.

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Also, unrelated: You spelt “talking” wrong in your UI.

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ohh! I was confused at first when I first read the reply, but yeah.

Thanks for telling me.

Personally I appreciate the fact that it’s basic and easy to understand, but I would honestly just appreciate more to it.

If you’d like to go further, and keep in mind I’m suggesting with little to no information about the game a viewport frame that sort of shows the guy you’re talking to, under Option B.

It sounds hard to get right, but I appreciate that over the very basic style you’ve gone for now.

EDIT: Oh god I typed this while being zoned out. Sorry about all the over-appreciations

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